~Two Weeks Later~

"TAYLOR, WE FOUND ASH AND NOAH!" Alec yelled bursting through the door like a crazy mad man just like my current state is like a homeless man. My appetite had been lost, anything related to hygiene had disappeared. Instantly I was running up to him and latched my hands onto his shoulders.

"Really!" I ask looking at him hoping this wasn't just a joke or dream.

"We found them; they're being held in a basement under the Rogue Kings building." He tells me grasping my shoulders too as if trying to hold me up. I let out a sigh of relief but couldn't relax just yet. Alec looked just like me, he had a stubble and looked so tired that he had dark circles under his eyes like a panda. Before this mission we need to sleep and eat so we can both save out mates.

We both slide to the ground shaking. We found our mates. Tears seemed to prick at my eyes and apparently Alec's too. If it wasn't Alec seeing me cry, I would've killed whoever was seeing such a shameful act for an Alpha. We both felt deeply relieved that our mates were found but my anxiety still wavered at the thought that they both could be harmed or possibly killed but if that were true, I found feel the bond snap.

Alec and I quickly recovered and stood up straight. "Alec," I say he looks up at me with somewhat red eyes and messy just like my state, "lets go get our mates." I gently smile which he returns then nods and walks off.

I could hear him yell out at the warriors to prepare for war with the Rogue King. He was strong the Rogue King but as he held my mate as a prisoner for his own selfish greedy desires, I wasn't going to let him get away with something so despicable. My anger and my packs anger combined for stealing their Luna was going to rain down a crap ton of shit on the Rogue King that he's going to wish himself dead and on his knee's begging for his pathetic life.

I shift into my wolf form and head to the front of my army of wolves striding pridefully into the forest with them following shortly behind. My feet gradually fall harder against the ground as my walking pace turns into a full all out sprint.

'I'm coming.'


Noah thankfully wasn't hurt deeply; we've lost count of how long we've been here but we're beginning to lose hope. My skin's painted blue, yellow and purple from the bruises that coat my body. So far, I've tried to take all the beatings for Noah, he's my friend and I'm not allowing them to hurt him to the point he's unrecognizable.

I bet that I'm barely recognizable but who knows I haven't looked in a mirror since there's nothing around. At least they're hospitality isn't the worst; I mean they've given us bread and some leftovers at night every three days so we don't die. We still sleep on the cold stone floor though but it wouldn't be the first time I've had to do it.

In the end, I forced Noah to take my shirt to help him warm up a little and not have to sleep directly on the floor. He resisted and it took hours to finally get him to collapse into using my shirt as much as I hate the fact that it probably does absolutely nothing, it was at least an attempt.

Since I've arrived here, I haven't been feeling well in the slightest. After dinner I force myself to keep my guts inside not because the meals bad or anything just it's the only meal I get until we're saved from this putrid place so I got to keep it down.

It hurts to say this but I've also been so much moodier and get easily irritated. Sometimes I can't help but get angry at poor Noah for no reason and it ends in an argument. Then I'll cry for minutes on end on Noah's shoulders. I have no idea what's with the mood swings. I've come to the conclusion that it's just the lack of contact I have with my mate and that my wolf's just getting agitated and missing his warm skin against my skin.

I'm just getting annoyed by these simple thoughts. The clanging of keys unlocking the dungeon's door stops my annoyance and instantly fear consumes me.

Noah scurries towards the corner of the room, one of his eyes widening with fear as the other was completely swollen from a punch he received earlier while I had passed out from exhaustion.

My legs pushed weekly against the ground in a pathetic attempt in getting away. However, before I could move a metre away from the torture dude that comes down every two days (still don't know his name), his hand latches onto my ankle and pulls me under.

Painfully, my head hits the hard floor and I let out a small sad whine of pain. He lets out a small chuckle of satisfaction that sent shivers of disgust, sadness, and anger down my spine. He pulls me by my leg out of the cell and towards a cell at the farther end of the dungeon.

"NOAH!" I cry out in vain while trying to reach my hands out to latch onto his but instead our fingers slip through as he cries out too. His voice box recently got badly injured during a beating so his lost the ability to talk and it makes me so angry with myself for letting it happen in the first place.

I struggle against the hand but in a quick movement, the man lifts me up as if I weigh nothing which I probably do and chains both my arms up from the one chain that hands from the ceiling so I dangle down only able to stand on the very tips of my toes.

The chain clangs with every twist and tug I make at the chain effortlessly. The man disappears in the dark and shortly returns with a wheely table filled with sharp and scary tools. It isn't the first time he's used these on me but with every experience I feel as if I'm becoming closer to death. It's always worse the next time.

"You should just kill me" I meekly whisper, my head hanging low. He quickly uses a knife to lift up my chin the tip digging lightly into my neck.

"Oh? And what would the fun in that be?" A sadistic smile pulls at his lips as he slowly drags the knife down my neck leaving a trail of blood to dribble down my collarbone. It's only lightly so as too not make me loose enough blood but it made me sick to see blood right now.

"Right you sadistic bastards don't like killing people, can't believe I forgot something as stupid as that." I say dully and I swear he twitched in annoyance, he's so gonna try to kill me then leave me to suffer in pain just before I'm at the brick of death.

"Fuck you!" He spits before he trails a ragged line down my bare chest from the top of my right shoulder to the bottom left of my hip. I let out a small scream of pain barely audible with how much I've been using my voice for the past two weeks.

Just barely I could hear a whine come from our cage coming from Noah. He lets out another cry in frustration, his Luna was getting hurt and he probably has never felt so useless in his life. All I wish was for me to run up to him and tell him that he wasn't useless and that we were going to be okay yet deep down I knew I couldn't promise that to him. 

Unlovable Me {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now