Suddenly a little wolf comes out running towards me then bows her head into a playful position. Her tongue drops out from her muzzle, her tail swinging side to side. This was known as a play position for any type of dog breed.

Swiftly I changed into my wolf form with ease then go into my own play position. She ran away giving chase. Soon enough I was chasing after other pups. Eventually I let them tackle me to the ground. I catch onto Taylor shifting into his black wolf form. He goes into the same position and pounces onto me but I quickly dodge.

'Oh it's on'

I pounce onto him and soon were both tackling one another the pups left to play with themselves. Our game probably going to be ten times rougher not good for the pups. I sprint into the forest giving chase after Taylor as he led the way.

Okay I'm small but fast so I took off after him running up to beside him. After a few minutes of running and playfully pushing each other Taylor comes to a sudden stop but I don't slow down. Suddenly I fall into something deep being enveloped by water. I swim back to the top doggy paddling considering I was still in my wolf form.

Taylor laughed in his wolf form making it sound weird but at the same time funny. I started to shake the water off my coat onto his wolf form. Soon my own wolfy laughter filled the air only for me to be pushed into the water somehow bringing Taylor along with me.

After a few hours we took a break and laid on the rock sun baking. Taylor lays next to me in the shade in his wolf form. Soon his soft snores fill my ears, I look over to see Taylor fast asleep. I snuggle up next to him and feel myself fall asleep.

~~ Next Morning ~~

"Let's go on a date" Taylor lays on me but not putting all his weight on my body. He smiles goofily, oh he's so adorable.

"Okayyyyyy, but where are we going." I ask pushing his body off and sitting up.

"That's a secret for you to find out," he smirks then wraps a blindfold around my head. I haven't even gotten out of bed or even ready for a matter of fact.

"Tay, I haven't got ready let me do at least that before putting a blindfold on me." He chuckles and takes off the blindfold. Quickly I get ready then change into a grey crop top and black skinny jeans, styling my hair at least trying to tame it to my utter failure.

Once I leave the bathroom my jaw somewhat drops at the sight of Taylor. He leans against the door standing in a loose singlet showing off his strong but lean arms as well as tight white jeans clasping at his sexy legs. His hair is gelled back making him look so much cuter but honestly I like it messy. He looks at me and smiles then reveals the blind fold he was holding the whole time.

I groan out loud and let him bind it around my head again. Gosh this is a pain but just because he's so excited I'll let him get away with it. He guides me downstairs and outside then into the car. I can feel him start the car and start to drive.

I didn't like not knowing what was happening around me, it somewhat scared me.

After what felt like an hour Taylor came to a stop and got out leaving me in the silence. My door opens and Taylor grabs hold of my hand then begins to drag me to who knows where. He suddenly stops causing me to bump right into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry babe, here you can remove the bind now." I remove the blindfold and my eyes widen larger than saucers. In front of me was a ginormous water pool with a waterfall supplying the water. The forest surrounded it, the only sound was of the water from the waterfall hitting the water's surface.

It gave me a sense of tranquillity, taking my breath away. Taylor suddenly picks me up and walks closer to the water.

"No, no, no, no please no." I beg struggling against him but before I could get out he throws me in. The water blankets over me as I sink deeper but swim to the surface. There I notice Taylor also resurfacing, so I did manage to pull him in with me.

"Hey, you weren't meant to grab my shirt." He whines wiping away a fake tear in slight amusement.

"Well you weren't meant to throw me in," I laugh splashing water at him. He splashes water right back at me causing me to let out a very girly squeal.

We play in the water until we begin to get cold, deciding to hop out before catching a cold.

"I'll be right back" he disappears into the forest and returns with a basket laying it on the ground on a blanket. He pulls out food and places it on the blanket before patting it and looking up at me. I walk over and sit down next to him with a small smile playing on my lips.

"It's looks awesome," he smiles proudly and begins to eat. We talk about all types of things from our favourite things to the things we hate the most in the world. Once it was getting to hot we returned back to the pack.

"I am so sorry but Ash you have to put the blindfold on again, I have a little surprise for you." Taylor helps me out of the car even though it was unnecessary for him to do so.

"Butttt baby.... I don't wanna" I whine like a child pouting childishly. Don't blame me for lacking a childhood.

"Just this once, it'll be last promise." His eyes beg me, giving me his puppy eyes. Oh how they make me melt, it's not fair.

"Fine" he smiles and puts the blindfold back on. My footsteps felt unfamiliar as he leads me away from the front of the house. He opens a door that seemed unfamiliar to where we usually enter. He leads me up some stairs then comes to a stop. He pulls away the blind and what I see nearly brings tears to my eyes. 

Unlovable Me {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now