I watch as her eyes look down to the beautiful fat diamond on my ring finger.

I watch as she swirls around to Ivan causing me to frown.

He's got a gold band on his ring finger.

I didn't even know he wears our wedding ring.

"Yes?" He asks her after she's been staring at him for 10 whole seconds saying nothing.

"Вы женаты? К девушке вон там. Ты обещал мне, что никогда не выйдешь замуж за Ивана, это была наша сделка! Это было; если мы не можем быть вместе, ты не будешь ни с кем другим" she says aggressively.

(Are you married? To the girl over there. You promised me that you would never marry Ivan, it was our deal! That was; if we can't be together, you won't be with anyone else.)

Oh my jeez.

Another Russian.

Of course she speaks Russian as well.

I sigh and look out the window.

Maybe I should just start talking to myself in Spanish so I don't feel so..un seasoned.

"да, хорошо, когда я дал это обещание, я имел это в виду в то время. Я не собирался жениться, это был в основном деловой ход Адели"

(Yes, okay, well when I made this promise, I meant it at the time. I wasn't going to get married, it was mostly a business move.)

Ivan sounds un bothered compared to her and I'm glad for it.

She whips around at me and I smile.

She walks back into the cabin, hopefully to get my food but she might have poisoned it so maybe I shouldn't.

"Family drama?" I tease.

He's staring at the wall behind me.

"She's one of my ex's ish"


"Well we slept together, and then I took her on a date. And then told her we couldn't be together and all that romance"

"Wow you really are an asshole" I say looking back out my window.

"Glad you finally realised" he mutters.

I sigh and wait for my food to arrive. I eat it quickly and then finish my movie and then chose to watch mean girls.

I have taste I know.

We get off after about 2 hours so Ivan is a little liar.

It's absolutely freezing when we step off the plane, so much so I almost fall over.

Instead I back up into Ivan, who is wearing a coat.

"You cold?" He asks bored.

I nod my teeth chattering.

I mean what are we in a freaking snow storm?

It's July. What on earth is this?

"Here" he says drying taking off his jacket.

I take it quickly.

It's about 3 times to big for me but I am NOT complaining.

I throw myself into the car and huddle into the jacket while we drive to wherever we're going.

Blinded by hate Where stories live. Discover now