Part the Thirty-Fifth

Start from the beginning

"Never stop a man when he enjoys romancing through his writing." Papa looked down at his plate of food, before sighing. "It's not often you see this miracle."

I raise a brow at my father's peculiar melancholic mood. "Nicolas actually writes proficiently and in great quantity, mind you."

"Of course he does," Papa sniffed before looking up at me. "Anyway, what does it say?"

"Since you just handed it over to me, I cannot tell you," I replied, opening the envelope carefully as I could see my father growing impatient from the corner of my eye.  "I've barely opened the envelope, Papa."

"Of course," he grumbled beneath his breath as he stabbed at his potatoes. Why was he in such a mood today?

To whom it may concern,

If you've received this letter, you must be my darling fiancée, Magdelline Forsythe. If it's not you, then stop reading this, you dropper of eaves! Is it still considered eavesdropping if it's over a  letter? No clue.

Anyway, my dear Delly, please meet me at Elmswood (within calling hours). I have intentionally left any dates or times out of this due to the concerning fact that you may or may not have water near you. Or more rarely, an open window. If there happens to be an open window, please shut it. I don't want you catching a chill or getting rain on yet another invitation. Once is a coincidence, and twice is just mysterious. Though mysteriousness can be charming.

I'm rambling. I'm nervous if you cannot tell. I have a gift for you. So (within calling hours) call upon Elmswood Estate (your future home). 

With all my love,

your 'sir'.

(Nicolas Thaddeus Burns)

P. S. Magdelline, will I have to board up windows to refrain them from being opened by my mischievous wife in the future?

"What a tease." I smiled after reading the note before watching the time. It was near the calling hour, so I hurriedly started finishing my meal.

"Whatever is the rush, my dear?" Papa asked, curiosity seeming to bubble in his voice.

"Nicolas says he has something for me," I replied, pushing my finished plate away from me. "A gift."

"A gift you say?" Papa rose a brow before smiling. "How marvelous. You have fun, Delly. Give me all the details once you return. I've been so bored lately."

"I can tell, Papa," I said as I rounded the table to plant a kiss on his forehead. "Boredom really sours your mood."

"Oi!" he exclaimed, but I was already out of the door.


As soon as I entered Elmswood, I could barely regain my footing since my fiance's booming voice echoes through the foyer. 

"I was wondering when you'd show your face," Mr. Nicolas Burns stated, rushing down the steps.

"You must be very excited to show me this gift since you greet me at the door." I handed the butler my coat before taking Nicolas's offered arm.

"Indeed, I am," he said, as he practically dragged me up the steps.  "I've been keeping this secret for a month now."

"You've got quite the ability to keep things from me," I exclaimed, making us stop at the top of the stairs. "I did not even know, or else I would've gotten it out of you."

"I'm sure, my dear," Nicolas assured me with a coy smile. "But I was wise in never mentioning or hinting or anything."

"You're a quick learner," I muttered before offering a smirk. "Good thing I am quite adaptable."

Nicolas let out a hearty laugh before leading me on once again. "I'll have to be on my toes, then, won't I?"

"Yes, my sir." I look at my handsome fiance as his face seemed to dance with happiness. "So, what is it that you want to show me." 

"Let me bring you to your library," Nicolas stated nonchalantly as I dragged us to a stop again. 

"My library?"

"I can't have you sneaking into mine!" Mr. Burns retorted with a laugh. "I'd hate to have my books displaced. Or worse, Locke to be vandalized."

"I've actually been reading Locke," I said proudly. Nicolas just gave me a look before we continued to walk along the hall. 

"No, do not lie, Miss Forsythe." Nicolas touched my arm softly before adding teasingly, "It does not become you!"

"I am all truth, Mr. Nicolas Burns," I exclaimed, brows high upon my head. "In fact, I've come to at least respect Locke in his work. He is not as good as Montesquieu--"


"But--" I interrupted after giving him a look. "He makes valid points. That's the compromise I made for you, my sir. Have you compromised for me?"

Nicolas shrugged before staring on ahead. "I do not think I can compromise on this subject." Before I could interrupt, he added, "But--I will definitely look closer into Elizabeth Carter's works. You seem to like her. A lot."

"I do like her," I stated to mock him. "A lot."

"Then it's decided." Nicolas stopped at a door before throwing it open. "Your first collection for the library will be Carter's works."

"Thank you, Nicolas!" I kissed him on the cheek before gazing upon the beautiful wooden shelves across the room, mostly empty at the moment. "This is better than I imagined--"

"That's not even the gift, but you are welcome," Nicolas stuttered before adding, "I need to make you a library more often if this is the repayment."

"Stop flirting, Nicolas," I stated with a smirk. "It does not become you."

"What a blow you have thrust upon me, my darling," Nicolas said as a grin played upon his lips before he took my hand to lead me to the window in the back of the room. "I will decide to ignore that and continue on my path in life."

"Your power to overcome does become you--" I paused at the sight of a beautiful desk. "Oh, what is this?"

"Your gift."

"It's so beautiful!" I replied, running my hands over the reddish wood. It was glossed over and quite intricate with patterns and carvings. "I already have a desk, but this one is far more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed of having."

"It gets better," Nicolas stated, whispering in my ear. "It's made from our tree." 

"Our tree?" I turned to face my fiance as tears were threatening to form in my eyes. "Thank you, Nicolas."

"Of course, my darling," he replied, planting a kiss on my nose. "The pleasure is mine."

A grin grew on my lips as I looked back at the desk. "Can you stand on it real quick so I can push you off?"

"No, you cannot."

"You're no fun," I said, patting his cheek with a sigh.

"You try recovering from breaking a bone!" Nicolas scoffed as he shook his head of auburn hair. "Never again!"

"We shall see, my sir, we shall see."

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