
okay so i kinda sorta am unplanned and i dunno what i'm doing, so bare with me okay? <3 (am i shipping leorio with kurapika? or no? the reason im asking is because i dont really ship them myself so.)


"so you're telling me that there are hunters and not heroes." the dual haired student said as more of a statement than a question. the taller one out of the two named leorio struggled to stay calm and nodded forcefully. the blonde one named kurapika shook his head and turned towards kirishima and kaminari.

"im guessing something has happened to where you are in the wrong world, you did say something about using quirks?" kurapika spoke up.

kirishima nodded and showed up his quirk in a flashy way. "my quirk is called hardening, meaning i can harden any spot on my body." kirishima said letting his quirk fizzle out. kurapika let out a hum, impressed while leorio sputtered.

"i used geo the whole time and i didn't see any nen." he spoke confused. "nen?" kaminari asked also confused. "you dont know what nen is? well that confirms it." kurapika placed a finger on his chin tapping it. "confirms what exactly?
leorio asked but kurapika simply ignored him.

"okay, what are your quirks?" kurapika asked, looking at todoroki, kaminari, uraraka, and yayorozu. kaminari pointed his fingers together and made electricity. " my quirk is called electrification. it allows me to generate electricity and manipulate it to a certain extent, although i still have a long way to go before mastering it. " kaminari sheepishly smile.

leorio nudged kurapika with a knowing look. "your quirk is similar to our friend killuas ability." he spoke analyzing it. "yeah, he also has a feature called 'god speed' where he can use his electricity in his body to move fastly."

kaminari held a small blush on his face and laughed with a small 'cool'. todoroki flicked his wrist up and made a quick ice slide similar to the sports festival but relatively smaller. uraraka snorted out a quick 'showoff' while todoroki shrugged.

"you're quirk is.. amazing." kurapika awed touching the ice. leorio, startled by the sudden ice, shook his head in disbelief. "i dont suppose you have anyway to get rid of it now?" leorio say it coming because as soon as the last word left his mouth. fire was already shooting from his hand and melting the ice.

" i call my quirk half cold half ice. its exactly what it means." todoroki spoke, once he finished melting the ice. kurapika raised an eyebrow, deciding to keep the curiosity about his scar to himself. apparently leorio wasn't that held back. "and what about the red scar on your face? is it genetic or from a -"

"a burn wound." todoroki interrupted with a cold tone, clearly not okay with talking about it. kurapika reached over a flicked leorio in the head, receiving and ouch in return. "okay moving on, what is yours?" kurapika asked turning his attention towards uraraka.

the brunette perked up and smiled. she looked around spotting a pencil and eraser and walked over to them. " my quirk is called zero gravity, i can make stuff float, and even myself!" while saying that last one, she demonstrated by putting her hand together an lifting herself from off the ground.

just as she sat herself back on the ground, a shrill voice was heard, as a door opened. "bisky, the door was closed for a reason." leorio muttered. after awhile of bisky sticking with killua and gon, she became friends with leorio and kurapika as well. well, with kurapika that is.

"i think i know that leorio, besides i want to know about our new guests!" she happily said, skipping in. "well you weren't inv-"

"zip it lanky, or i will shove my fist so far up yo-"

"oookay, what is your quirk?" kurapika deflected the conversation towards the last person that hasnt shown their talent. "quirk? whats a quirk?" bisky asked, placing a hand on her hips. "a quirk is basically nen to you guys, except were born with it, and we dont have different sections either, each one is unique to us." todoroki spoke up, directing his attention on bisky. "why thank you. i like this one." bisky smiled sweetly. "ugh, okay you said your name was yayorozu right? whats your quirk?" leorio asked, grossily looking at bisky.

"my quirk is called creation, meaning i can create anything using the fat in my body. " yaoyorozu spoke confidently, and lifted up her shirt. as stated, she produced a box of hair ties and sat them on her hand. "what? i needed to tie my hair up, my hair tie before must have fallen out or something." she spoke before tying her hair up.

"how old are you?" leorio asked, making everyone look at him weirdly. "everyone i meant eVerYOne!" leorio covered up quickly, waving his hands in front of him. kurapika simply rolled his eyes and sighed.

"yes hes usually like this, actually, how old are you guys?" kurapika asked curiously. "were all high school students if you were wondering." kirishima spoke, showing his sharp teeth. "okay, so were all around the same age then." kurapika muttered. :nu uh, not all of us!" bisky spoke up, eyes trained on kurapika. " right sorry, i forgot-" kurapika started to apologize before being cut off my leorio.

"yeah, forgot you were an old ha-"

"is he dead or do we need to call an ambulance?" kaminari asked nervously peering at a knocked unconscious leorio.


what the fuck is a pro hunter? - BNHA/HXH CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now