11. Dinner

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11. Dinner

"Yes, I'm sure, Dad." Bella rolled her eyes. She stood waiting by the door for Edward to arrive. It seemed that Jacob was not the only one who disapproved of the idea of the two of them going out.

Charlie scratched his head. "I don't know, Bells. Things didn't work out so well with you and Edward last time."

"It'll be fine," she insisted, glancing back at the clock. It was still fifteen minutes until six, and Bella was desperately wishing that he would arrive early. She had already heard enough from Jacob - who was sulking on the couch - and did not appreciate the echo of his words from her father's mouth.

For all the power he had as Chief of Police, Charlie felt helpless to protect his daughter. She had always been wise beyond her years, and despite her assurances, he did not like the idea of her seeing Edward Cullen again. Yet, she was not a little girl, and he knew he could do little to stop her. "But, what if you pass out again or get another headache?" he asked.

There was a knock at the door just then, and the moment that he had been dreading since he had arrived home was now here. He stopped her just before she reached the doorknob.

"Bells. You still got that pepper spray?"

"Dad," she snapped, shaking her head. To Bella, Edward had arrived just in time, and she opened the door to find him standing there on her front porch offering her a single yellow rose. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him – which she was finding out to be a very typical reaction. "Hello, Edward," she said, unable to hold back the grin at seeing him again, and coquettishly held the bloom before her nose.

"Hello, Bella," he greeted, handing her the rose. "You look very pretty."

She looked down at the long-sleeved red button up blouse she was wearing and a long denim skirt she had become accustomed to wearing since the bulky cast restricted her from pants. "Thanks."

Charlie peeked over Bella's shoulder, giving Edward a meaningful glare. "Hello, Edward."

"Good evening, Chief Swan."

The Cullen boy was always polite, but Charlie trusted him as far as he could throw him. "Right, so what time will you be back?"

Bella shoved the rose to her father's chest and moved toward the doorway on her crutches. "When we come back," she said impatiently.

Edward spoke up. "I'll have her back at a decent hour."

"You bett..." Bella did not let her father finish that word and closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry about Charlie," she told Edward, hobbling beside him as they covered the short distance to her driveway.

His golden eyes darted back toward the front porch and Edward smiled. "He means well. Your dad loves you." He took the crutches and set them aside as he helped her into his Volvo. After securing them in the trunk, he joined Bella as he slid into the driver's seat. "He's right to protect you." Edward felt like they had a common goal. The girl obviously needed protecting...

"So, where would you like to eat?"

*  *  *

It felt like déjà vu.

They sat at a small table in the only Italian restaurant in Forks, and a square candle flickered between them. Edward had requested a private spot with an ocean view. The waitress - a redhead with blue eyes and long eyelashes - barely glanced at Bella as she took her order, keeping her attention focused instead on Bella's absurdly handsome companion.

"I'll have the mushroom ravioli," she told their server. Again, so familiar... The ocean stretched out beside them as far as the eye could see and was indeed breathtaking, but despite the clear glow the moon cast upon the water's waves, Bella could hardly tear her eyes away from Edward. He was too beautiful with his bronze hair combed upward in its typical haphazard style, and his features that may as well been carved from stone.

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