Chpt.4- New King

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Lelouch's Pov

    I smirked when I looked at the 3 Seventh years. "It is technically Lord Lelouch Black, as I am the Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Black, along with Lord to a few other houses. Now I believe it's polite to introduce yourselves before business," I speak like I'm Zero again. "Fine, I'm heir Wortham. Besides me are Heir Flint, Captain of the Quittage team, and heir Delta, my second. Now, Black. You have some explaining to do," the leader speaks. "And what pray tell, is it that I have to explain?" I asked. "First would be the contraption in ur hand," spoke Flint. He just looked curious and not threatening like the other two were. Was probably there for Intel. "This, while designed similar to that of muggles, is a phone that was made for me by one of the manufacturers that I am the Lord of," I tell them. Which was the truth, to an extent. "What I want to know is why your friendly with Potter, and Gryffindor's? Plus no one knew an heir Black existed. The last Black known alive is in Azkaban," Wortham spoke glaring at me. "How about a little wager Wortham? Do you play chess?" I asked. "Yes, I'm the best in Slytherin. Along with my dueling skills," Wortham starts, "What's the wager?" He asked. I smiled. "You are the king of Slytherin currently, correct?" I asked. "Yes," he answered simply. "The my stakes are that should I win, I become the new Slytherin King," I stated. Wortham laughs. " I'll humor you brat. If I win, you do everything I say and owe me two favors once I graduate. And when I mean everything I say, I mean your my new slave," he tells me. "Alright, but we use a non-enchanted chess board. As in old school. Can you handle that?" I asked. "If you can find one, sure" he says smirking.  "Accio school bag," I said as I snap my fingers. My bag came flying from the boys dormitories and into my hand. A lot of younger students were wide eyed. I reached deep into my bag and got the chess set I would always use back in the gambling days. "Would this service," I say as I showed him the inside contents in the suit case. "Fine, just remember you asked for this when your my slave," Wortham snaps. "Would all who know the spell check to prove this chess isn't enchanted?" I said as I set it up.

    A few spells and a match later, I won. "What! How is this possible? You must of spelled it somehow!" Wortham cried out. "I promise the chess is the same as right before we started Heir Wortham. And I am the Lord of the House of Black. I do not need to cheat in a petty game of chess when I could just use my magic on you. Not only did I do this fairly, but I also spared you my rath for insulting a Lord of many Houses. Do so again, and I will not be merciful. That goes for everyone here. Am I understood? Or do I have to prove it to you fools?" I hissed the last part in Parseltonge. My magic I could feel it swirling around me. "Yes my Lord," the room echoed.

Harry's Pov

      I yawned as I get to the great Hall. 'I forgot the twins were like energizer bunnies,' I thought. "Harry, are you feeling alright? You look worn out," Lelouch asked me. 'His friendly side is out. Wonder if he is already the Slytherin King,' I thought. "I'm fine. Was just getting to know some of the older house members in case I need help," I replied as I know we're being watched. "That's great. I was going the same as well. Hey, why don't I sit with you for breakfast? We don't start classes until tomorrow so we can get the lay out of the castle. Plus we have to sit at our own tables for supper and big events," Lelouch tells me. We sit down at my table causing whispers to spread except for the Slytherin table. They just continued like before. "So have any chess matches lately? I know you were getting board of trying to teach me constantly," I asked him. "Yes, in fact I had one last night with Heir Wortham. It did end a bit short though," Lelouch sighed out like he was board. "Of course you would complain after winning," I said with small chuckles.

      Then a Hermione Granger sat across from us. "Why are you sitting at the Gryffindor table?" She asked while looking at Lelouch. He blinks a replies kindly, " Um morning to you to miss Granger. And there isn't any rule against it except for supper and big events. Other than that, is cause I wanted to check on Harry. I mean I did kinda grew up with him." He then gives a smile during the last two comments he made. "Um, you sure?" She asked unsure. "Yes, I read them on the train ride here. Kinda didn't want to make a first bad impression," he says still all friendly and even relaxed tone. "Yeah, I get that. I've been trying, but I've been failing at that. You seem to know a bit of Muggle world despite being a Lord. Why is that?" Hermione asked. I knew she was trying to ask one question at a time. Chances are she has tons of them. "You do know blood and status isn't everything right? I mean, one of the few people with highest marks besides Dumbledore was a half-blood. While status is what makes most civilizations move and running, it can be given and taken away just as easily. I mean look at the United States of America. They run on a democracy mostly. While we in the United Kingdom mostly run of ranks of royalty. Yet both have a base of one thing, power. While blood is what helped me get the title of Lord, I was first lived the life of a Muggle-born. But politics aren't a major thing here as this is the school of learning. I just have to juggle the jobs of a Lord while being a student," Lelouch explains all gentle and friendly like. "I... Never realized that, but you are right. Does the magical Lords have a connection to the queen as well? Is that why Muggle-borns are looked down on, because they're commoners?" She asked. "Yes, we do. While I'm the 113th in line to the Crown, Harry is the 99th in line. While Malfoy family, as far as I'm aware, is not in line to the throne as they immigrated from France originally, they earned titles of Duch or Duchess due to their high standing and service to the Crown over the centuries. The only ones possible to take line of throne in the Malfoy family would be Draco and his mother, as they are part of the Black family as well. And while the commoner part is a good part of it, there are other reasons as to why those of 'pure-blood', look down on Muggle-born" answered Lelouch. I sigh and make the three of us plates as I know this was going to be a long conversation. "And what would those reasons be?" Asked Hermione as she unconsciously starts cutting up the food in front of her. "Well, as silly as it sounds to those of Muggle world, you have to realize that science is the opposite of magic; what most of the elderly nobles think, is that Muggle-borns are soldiers and things muggles creat to steal their magic," Lelouch stated before taking the globlet of juice I handed him. "But most don't even realise magic exists. Hell I almost didn't think it exists. Why would-" but she was cut off by Lelouch "Salem witch burnings." "While the U.S.A was the worst case of scenarios, it was not the only one. And in time of World-War-II, the churches still did excorsisms for witch craft because it was, 'the devil's work', as they believe. Believe it or not, those excorsisms were rituals that could servearly harm those with weak magic or children of magic. And since most they cought were children, a good number died. Or worse become obsurous. You can look up what an obsurous is in the library I'm sure. If not, I'll see about getting you one or lend you one from my collection. But the point is Magic societies are in hiding for a reason. Plus there is the fact muggle-borns have been constantly critizing our culture to that of the churches that attacked us, making a lot of our history and old Magic's band from us. So over all, in a way Muggle-borns can be seen as our death warrent. So like all humans do, Muggle or magical, hate what you fear," Lelouch finished explaining and started to eat. I see that now it wasn't just Hermione that was listening to him, but quiet a few students and the staff as well. Including a Quil-mort. Hermione on the other hand looked pale. "So... How... I mean..," Hermione tried to speak but looked so lost. "Plus I believe most of our Muggle-borns today are actually from the lines of squibs. Squibs are results of to much marriage in the family, or on rare occasions, difficultly during development or birth of the child. Squibs can either only access a tiny bit of magic or none at all. With numbers rising over the years of squibs having no access at all, the solution was to send them to the Muggle part of the world as they would fit in there and won't gain much hatred for those around them. Though some families believe that is sending them to a fate worse than death so they would kill them instead. But that doesn't really happen anymore due to past history's of grief driving the whole families or carriers of the children to madness. Causing a lot of magical families to be put down. That's why squibs are look down today, though some forget the cause of their creation, is that squibs are looked at as a disease that would end the family line," Lelouch added in a thoughtful tone. The whole hall was in silence. Ever since we got the Lordships Lelouch resurched none stop on the magical communities. And with him being Lord Ravenclaw, he had the books to do it. I chuckled and took a drink.

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