Chpt.3- Weasley&Malfoy

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Lelouch's Pov

   Like we figured, since Harry didn't open his letter nor written to the school himself, or me with the letter of the wrong name, we kept getting letters despite my reply with the Black family name. So we got to see the house swamped in letters. After that we got hauled to, well I'm not even sure were we are as Veron kept me and Harry in the dark about our location.

    It was currently a minute till midnight on a stormy night. I was levitating and keeping lit 11 small flames in a circle like a cake would have. I had my back to the cold fire place as Harry was sitting on my left side waiting for Dudley's wrist watch to go off.

   "Make a wish, Harry," I said once it went off. Harry blew all the flames out. That is when the door started to bang and raddle. Waking Dudley up imeadilty. The constant banging eventually woke Petunia and Veron up. Veron had his shot gun in hand. Dudley got off the couch and onto the table by the furthest wall. "Who's there?" Veron whimpered out as Petunia turned on a light that was over the stairs. The door finally fell down making all the Dursely's scream. A giant man walked through the door. "Sorry about that," the man says as he puts an umbrella into his coat. 'This must be Hagrid that Harry told me about,' I thought to myself as I stand up and dusted myself off. Harry does the same while the man puts the door back into place. "I demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering," Veron says aggressively.  The man walked over to Veron. "Dry up, Dursley, you great prune," the man tells Veron and bends the shot gun with his hand. Veron was shaking so much he end up pulling the trigger after the gun was already bent. Causing a hole in the wooden second floor. "Boy, I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry. You're a bit more along than I expected. Particularly in the middle," the man says looking at Dudley. It wasn't suprising he saw him first since me and Harry were standing in the dark side of the place. "Uh.. Ugh.. I.. I'm not Harry," Dudley replies. It was after that I whistled at the man, making him look at us. I waved and smiled at him. "That be me," Harry replied. "Well, blimey, of course you are. And the young man beside you must be Lelouch. I recognize those eyes any were. I got something for the both of yah. Afraid I sat on it, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same," the man tells us. He pulls out a white box with a royal blue ribbon tied around it. "Baked it myself, words and all," he says as he hands it over. Harry took the box and opened it. Revealing a vanilla cake with royal purple icing and green letters saying, Happee Birthdae, on it. I smiled as I realise he did the icing to match our eyes. "The colors represent both of us Harry," I said as I wiped a finger to get some icing that was smudged on the box. "Thank you," Harry replied as I tasted the icing. "It's not every day your young men turns 11, is it? Hay," He replies. "It is very thoughtful of you sir. This is the first cake ever made for us. So thank you," I tell him being actually sincere about it. He smiles and sits down. He pulls the umbrella again and points it at the cold fire place. Two small balls of fire shots from the umbrella to the fireplace. I try not to shiver at the sudden warmth. I see Petunia look away in jealously while Veron is wide eyed still standing in place scared. "Excuse me, but we're did you get that marvelous thing there," I say while looking at the craftsmanship of the umbrella. "Not now Lelouch, fill in your curiousity of that later. Sir, not to be rude but, who are you?" Harry asked. I pouted at being told off by him. "Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts," Hagrid replied. 'So both the guard and gardener of the School,' I thought. "Of course, you know about Hogwarts," Hagrid states. I frowned because we had to lie to him. Harry was right, the man is very kind so far. "Sorry, but no," Harry replied. "No? Didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?" Hagrid stated. "Sorry sir, but the only thing we were told that James and Lily were drunks and died in a car crash," I say in the best confusion tone I could muster up. "A car crash?! A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?!" Hagrid says as he stands up. "We had to say something," Petunia replied. "It's an outrage! A scandal!" Hagrid says to them with tears in his eyes. "James and Lily Potter were fine wizard and witch that fought for good and sacrificed their lives to save people, including you two," Hagrid tells us in a rant. "So we're wizards?" Harry asked. "Yes, and you be a good one, I'd wager. Once you're trained up a little," he answers. "How are we wizards?" I asked curious. "Well, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared?" He explains. "Like turning red roses blue?" I replied. He nodded. He the hands a letter to Harry. Harry then read the letter,

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