Chpt.1- L.L. meets Harry

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Lelouch's Pov

One would think that a person would not get bord with having been resurrected, saving the world, and ruling a Kingdom after. But after ruling for who knows how long and after their partner in crime has long since passed on, it is very easy to get bord. So walking in the void was really the only pass time for him. The power of Geass is truly powerful when mastered. It is also a power that is feared and has even been looked at as witch craft.

"Yet I have the world see me as a demon despite that fact. I sometimes wonder if the dead still see me that as well? Suppose that is why I keep coming back here, despite finding nothing but foggy blackness," I spoke to myself as I walked. 'I keep looking here like I will find something. Still quite odd how I can see perfectly despite this blackness,' I thought. Yes, the once great Lelouch Lamperouge also known as Lelouch Li Britannia walks in the void of the in between as a pass time hoping to find something due to boredom and lonelyness. "I can only imagine the commentary C.C. would say if she saw me like this. Full of sarcasm no doubt," I stated. I was about to call it quits and return back to the so called 'kingdom' till I heard a voice from behind me.

"What is it you wish to find? Is it more power?" the voice said making me stop. "Power is feeble and useless when you already accomplished what you wanted, plus why look for more power when I have enough as it is," I stated without emotion as I turned around. There standing a guy who looked my physical age, with wild hair and behind a pair of glasses was a pair of greener eyes than Suzaku's.

Harry's Pov

You would think one be excited to learn they are the master of Death, or the chance to live many lives because of said title. I have never wanted it in the first place. I do not see Death as my servant. While some lives were nice, they were still lonely. While my other lives, were that of nightmares and horror stories. Not only was I getting tired of this cycle, Death even mentioned it was hard to watch me suffer. Death told me a plan, the only problem was that I had to have someone join me. I wasn't just going to pick anyone either. They had to understand the weight of this decision. So with Death being infinite being, I surched all worlds and relms. It wasn't till death notified me of a certain fraction of the void was getting a visitor that I saw a person who looked as I feel. And I didn't mean his appearance, I ment the look in his eyes.

"What is it you wish to find? Is it more power?" I asked calmly. He stopped walking and replied, "Power is feeble and useless when you already accomplished what you wanted, plus why look for more power when I have enough as it is." He then turns around to look at me. Red eyes and the mark on his collar bone was the first things that stood out the most. "And what is it you accomplished?" I asked. "A future for people, for those I care for, and a promise to a friend," he said as he looked off to the side like he was looking at something. "And yourself?" I asked. He looks back and I can see the tired look in his eyes. "Depends on the person's view I guess," he replied dropping the netrual tone voice. "Gets lonely, doesn't? The endless cycle?" I asked. He chuckles. "Endless cycle you say?" He asked. He then gives a tired smile, " Yes, I suppose you are quit right." It was then that I made the decision. "I have a proposition for you," I tell him. "Oh? And tell me what could this entail?" He asked curious. "I have been marked as the master of Death and have been going through an endless cycle of rebirth. Through different realities, timelines and worlds. I wish for this cycle to end, but to only do that is to get born to that like of my first life, but I can't go alone. That is the issue of my situation," I tell him. "And this is were I come in. That I go with you to be reborn in to where ever you're from. And my power of Geass?" He asked looking interested but curious as well. "It will stay with you, along with possibly born as a Wizard," I answered. He then starts to laugh. Though it may sound to others as a evil laugh, I could hear what it truly was. Relief.

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