Chapter 1: Equivalence

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Pine trees surrounded a clearing of snow and dried grass, giving the appearance of a lackluster life. Birds did not sing their song, nor did the fox release its call for the hunt. A river flowed nearby. The ice that was taken with it clanking around as bubbles pushed out from underneath them. In front of the clearing was a large steep hill, with rocks from a past landslide being exposed. While it may seemed lackluster, at the center of the clearing was one lone horse. Its coat was a pale gold in hue, with its tail thin enough to practically scream that this horse was no older than 5 years. But its neck, it was thick, but somehow slim enough that its mane could at least fold over without sticking straight up like the grass in the clearing. The young colt stepped forward tentatively as his head risen to stare up at the very top of the hill. On top of his head was an peculiar object. A horn of cream, only the size of the pinecones on the trees, curled from the center of the so called 'horse's' head. His green eyes laid upon another creature of similar species at the top of the hill. His eyes flittered to and fro, to glance at the other creatures looming over him on top of the hill underneath the evergreen trees that he climbed on a time or two in his life.

"Lysander," someone spoke out. The green eyes of the light gold stallion rested on the speaker. A black stallion, with a large star that centered around a silver and platinum horn, spoke down on him. His head was carried high, causing the horn to appear far larger than it was. His neck was thick as well as his body and legs. He was built for the harsh winters and terrain of the Forest of Camlet. While built, his winter coat was subpar compared to the others who had beards and fur that put the bears to shame. "Today is your day of judgement for the act you done three nights prior."

There was a murmur from the others nearby the stallion, others who were colored in bays and blacks. They all were near perfect to blend into the terrain. If the light gold stallion didn't squint, he would of never seen his herd mates from where he stood.

"It has come to my knowledge that you had forcefully attempted to take Hidatsa," when the name was given, a chestnut mare stepped forward with her golden horn glistening from being newly washed, "to be your mate. It has also been brought to light that you have attempted to take other mares of mine for yourself the past three days."

Lysander opened his mouth to speak, but a red dun mare whinnied out "He tried, Rimfaxe! He tried to take me, and threatened to gut me for the bears if I spoke a word of it! He's a demon, a demon I say!" There was some more murmurs from the others. Rimfaxe's face harden as his nostrils flared out.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself, colt?" he hissed, ignoring the mare who was going into hysterics. Before much more talking could ensue between the two stallions of different standing, there was a holler followed by loud hoof falls. A graying mare, well beyond her youth, rushed forward to separate Rimfaxe and Lysander more. Before she could grow too close, two other unicorns threw themselves between, successfully keeping her from coming any closer. The mare, with flecks of brown in her coat and her back dipped way down more than the others, tossed her head around. Her horn was missing, but she did have a large bald patch in the center of her forehead.

"Rimfaxe, listen to me. It wasn't him. Them young hags are lyin'! Lyin' ay say! He would never do such a thin'. He's too young, too slow, too carefree to care to try any of 'em." she called out. Rimfaxe turned his attention to her as she carried on. "Ay heard 'em the other night. 'ey been plottin'. Plottin' cause 'ey tired of the wolves comin' for us with him standin' out like he does. 'is trial, it shouldn't be for him, but for 'em. 'ey want to shred our family apart. 'ey want to outcast the outcast and-"

"Silence, Bella." Rimfaxe hissed. His eyes soon went to the other two mares keeping Bella and himself separated. "Get her out of my sight." The two mares flicked the ear closest to the black stallion before they turned on Bella. They dipped their heads down towards the gray mare, their horns poised and ready. They begin to usher her back with the threat of harm.

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