you're nothing less than fucking perfect

Start from the beginning

Bless Harry and being sweet to everyone, makes them love him and not being able to say no to him. 

"What podcast are ya gonna listen?" Louis asks, while making himself comfortable with his blanket and pillow. 

He's a bit extra when it comes to long car drives. Sue him.

"A true crimes one, about some unsolved cases. Wanna listen with me?" 

Louis looks at Harry's earphones, "Sure, do I have to sit in the middle?" 

Harry smiles a bit and nods, "Yeah." 

They've found a way to be close to each other one way or another. 

Louis buckles up in the middle while Gemma climbs into the car, raising her eyebrows when Louis covers both of them with his blanket. Lottie frowns too, but they don't say anything. 

Harry engulfs Louis' thigh beneath the blanket and rubs it with his thumb in a calming way. 

It takes exactly 15 minutes for Louis to fall asleep on Harry's shoulder, so now the latter's trying to take out the earphone so he doesn't hurt his ear. 

Luckily, Louis is a person who would sleep through fireworks going off right next to him. 

He fights all the urges inside of him to press a kiss to his head and just goes back to listening why the man probably chopped up his wife in the 1970's. 

True crime podcasts are always good. 


"Are you guys sharing a room?" 

Harry nods, "Yeah, that's alright." 

He goes with it more than answering since acting casual is the biggest must right now. 

Louis nods too, "We're used to it by now." 

Gemma nods and hands over the key, but not without looking suspicious. 

Once in the room Louis gasps, "What the fuck is this place? It's wonderful!" 

Harry looks around, Louis is right. They have a balcony where they have a view over the mountains, absolutely crazy. 

Louis jumps on the bed and bounces a bit, "This mattress, shit." 

Harry joins and almost moans, "This is heaven." 

Louis rolls on top of him and shakes his head, "This is heaven." 

He kisses Harry, fitting himself in between Harry's legs. 

"You're right," Harry moans and pulls Louis closer to his chest. 

"Do we have to leave this bed today?" 

"We're going to hike for a bit after lunch," Harry tells him while trailing his fingers under Louis' shirt, making the latter shiver. 

Louis groans, "With everyone?" 

"Probably, I'll try to get us a different route though." 

Louis lifts himself and presses a kiss to Harry's lips, "Thank you." 

Harry smiles and lets Louis lay down on his chest again. He texts Gemma that they'd like to take another route so 'they won't get slowed down by their parents'. 

"Fixed it, we'll be going the other way," Harry mutters but hears snoring in response. 

He rolls his eyes fondly and rubs Louis' back. This man says he loves him but god knows he loves sleep way more. 


"Shit, there's so many loose rocks," Harry grunts, holding onto Louis' arm and random trees. 

"Someone clumsy on this trail is like a highway to heaven," Louis chuckles, trying to steady the lanky boy. 

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