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I got up and quickly collected myself as my heart thumped faster and faster and I began to sweat. Had he truly changed as Jang-mi's mother had said? I walked to the door to greet him. There was a huge pile of packages sitting on the entry table. I bowed to him.

"H-hello, sir," I said in English.

He bowed and held his hand out for me to shake it. "Hello, Chan-yeol. If it would be alright with you, I would like to call you 'Son'. You can call me 'Father'," he smiled softly.

"Father?" I blurted out in shock. This man who despised me–who hit me and yelled at me for calling his wife "Mother"–wanted me to call him "Father"?!

"Yes. If you are not comfortable calling me that, I understand." He looked down at his feet as if riddled with guilt.

I just stood there, my mouth gaping. I was left speechless. Jung-hee stepped in between us. He gestured to a chair and spoke, hoping Jang-mi's father could understand him.

"Please have a seat, sir. You must be tired from your long journey."

"Oh, thank you. Yes, it was quite long." We all sat down, but I was still too stunned to speak. "How have you been, Da-eun? Are you taking good care of my little girl?" he smiled. She was just as shocked by his behavior.

"Y-yes. Yes sir. Jang-mi and the babies are doing well."

"Babies?!" his eyes grew large.

"Yes, sir. Your daughter gave birth to twin boys almost four weeks ago," she informed him. "We were all surprised to discover that there were two babies."

"Twins! Well, I'll be! That is wonderful news! Where are they? May I see them?"

"I will go tell your wife and daughter that you are here." She got up and bowed to him, then headed toward our bedroom, pausing briefly to turn and give him a confused glance.

As we waited, he looked me over. "I see you are in shock, Chan-yeol. I cannot blame you. All I can do is ask for your forgiveness–yours and Jang-mi's." He began to tear up. I was dumbstruck. This once cold, calculating man was crying! "I treated you and Jang-mi horribly. I was too stubborn to see how much you loved each other. I was too set in my ways to see how important love is to a marriage." He pulled out his handkerchief, dabbed his eyes, and blew his nose. He tucked it back into his pocket and continued. "I have Flora–I mean Jang-mi–and Margaret to thank for showing me the error of my ways"

"I love Jang-mi with all my heart. She means everything to me."

"That is clear to me now. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me, Son?"

"Sir, I-"

"Oh, I am so sorry. It is presumptuous for me to call you 'Son' without your forgiveness first. That is alright. I will call you Chan-yeol and you may call me Arthur if you prefer."

"Sir, I am fine with you calling me 'Son'. As for forgiveness, I will forgive you as long as Jang-mi forgives you. It is up to her."

"That is fair," he nodded and sniffed as another tear escaped his eye.

"That is fair," he nodded and sniffed as another tear escaped his eye

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