You're gonna kill us all to bring peace

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(Poor India had to move from Texas to Forks ahaha as you can see it's very green and dark  , very perfect for an angermanagement center and if you watched Twilight you know the scenario they are in)


~~ we all go a little mad sometimes ~~

'I seriously don't know what you were thinking!' My mum's hands hit the steering wheel for every word she spoke

'Calm down Heidi.' My dad said from the passenger seat.

'Why are you so calm about this!' My mum took her eyes off the road , her eyes wide at my dad.

'Because she explained herself to me.' My dad said , winking at me.

I loved my dad. He was always on my side. ALWAYS. I only had to tell him that i was using self-defense the moment she cut my face with the compass.

So you still dont know the whole story. Mia was in the corridor and she walked up to me. She said that she was going to humiliate me to Dean.She was going to tell Dean about how i only dated him because he got me nice gifts , which is a lie.

Well that would really ruin my reputation. I never thought Mia would be that low.

Just as she was going to tell Dean , i jumped onto her. She got ontop on me and thats when she pulled out that goddamn compass.

'She's going to Fork's!' My mum said , again hitting the steering wheel.

'I think the steering wheels suffered enough.' I said as my dad chuckled.

'No India , you dont get to talk.' My mum pulled into the hospital's parking lot.

'She. Used. A. Mathematical. Compass! A SHARP OBJECT! ' I said getting off the car.

We walked up to my doctor's room , knocking on the door. The expression on her face was priceless. I knew i probably looked like shit at the moment so i dont even want to look at the mirror.

'My god , Indi what happened.' My doctor , Una , said examining my face.

'She's going to need 4 stiches.' Una said with a frown on her face.

I was expecting 6 to be honest.

'That's gonna hurt..... a lot.' My dad said making me sit onto the bed.

'This better not look bad.' I said to Una which had the needle in her hand. I was getting freaked out more by the second.

'It's okay it's just above your eye's so it wont look bad.' She said starting to stich me up.

It did hurt but not as much as i was expecting.

Una gave me a mirror , insisting that it didn't look bad. She used cream coloured material so it was similar to my skin.

She was right , you could barely notice it.

'This is the last of me.' I said hugging my very sympathatic doctor.

'Let me guess , juvie?' She said. She knew that i had gotten into a fight , thanks to my dad.

'Anger management.' My mum answered for me.


My blood , My soul , Is my enemy

BTW you certainly dont need to prove yourself to anyone. Just keep that in mind. Indi is just a character.

~Sila 💜

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