Chapter 2

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The next day before lunch, Krel and his classmates were at their lockers, shoving away their morning textbooks and getting out their materials for afternoon classes. Krel had just shut his locker door and slung his backpack on his shoulders when he heard a familiar voice nearby.

"Hey Steve." (Y/n) was standing by Steve's locker, looking expectantly at the taller blonde.

Steve squeaked a high pitched noise and turned to face (Y/n), his eyes wide. He brought his hands up to defend himself—from what Krel didn't know as he watched the exchange. (Y/n) however, disregarded the strange behaviour.

"Do you know where Brandon is?" She asked Steve in a brusque manner. "You're his apprentice, right?"

"Y-yeah, that's me!" Steve nodded quickly, pointing to himself and smiling nervously. "The Palchuk is Brandon's apprentice, yep!"

"So," (Y/n) blinked at him, "do you know where he is?"

"I think uhm—he said something about being in the earth science room!"

"Okay, thanks." (Y/n) gave him an offhanded wave and went off to presumably find Brandon, Steve still trembling as he watched her go.

That was very odd from Steve. Sure, lots of things scared the big oaf but this was particularly pathetic. Krel didn't think his mentor would be a person to strike fear in anyone, much less Steve Palchuck. Curiosity overtaking him, he went up to Steve and asked, "Why are you so nervous around (Y/n)?"

Steve jumped again at the sound of Krel's voice and spun around. "Who is nervous?" He asked. "I never get nervous!"

"Steve, did (Y/n) do something to you?"

"No she didn't! What are you talking about? And why are you asking all of a sudden anyway?"

"I'm her apprentice," Krel pressed. "I have a right to know things about my mentor, correct?"

Steve stayed silent, unwilling to answer. Krel narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. What could he do to make Steve tell him? An idea came to him and he snapped his fingers. It was sure to work. He turned back to Steve and said smoothly, "Ah, it's okay Steve. I think I understand."

"You do?" Steve asked nervously.

Krel crossed his arms over his chest. "Humans get nervous around the ones they have 'crushes' on! I've seen it on the romantic comedies Varvatos watches! You are nervous around (Y/n) because you like her, but you're also scared because you know in your conscience that you are being disloyal to Aja! She'd give you the most painful death if she found out what you're doing."

An outrageous lie, but if Krel learned anything about humans during his time on Earth, it was that when accused with lies they'd be desperate to prove the truth.

Steve stared at Krel, appalled. "Are you crazy?! That's not it at all! The only girl I want is Aja!"

Krel ignored him. "I'm calling my sister," he said, and took out his communication device that teenagers were wildly obsessed with.

Then Steve snapped. He clenched his jaw, eyebrows knitted together and grabbed the front of Krel's shirt and shoved him against the lockers. Krel winced.

"That's enough butt-snack!" Steve growled right in his face. "If you shut your mouth, I'll tell you."

Krel fought a triumphant smile. The oaf had taken the bait.

Steve released him and looked around to make sure no one was listening. He pulled Krel to him and spoke in a low voice.

"Do you remember the dare I did a while ago to go up to the second floor?"

Understanding Me; Krel Tarron x Reader [3Below]Where stories live. Discover now