Chap 3 - A bad way to restart. (Part 1)

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A kid with a weird jetpack flying across him. Then several police cars followed closely. He was dumbfounded for a sec before jumping to chase them.

In one of the head police cars, Tsukauchi heads out the car's window; he looks at BBB.

   > Tsukauchi: "/It's strange. Why doesn't the boy use his quirk to get out?/"

He takes out a speaker to yell.

   > Tsukauchi: "Boboiboy-kun! You are allowed to use quirk if you're a victim!"

BBB looks down at the cops' cars. They fly high as they can, almost reaching the top buildings. But he can hear that. Although, he's not a victim here. He looks back up to Storagebot, calling him.

   > BBB: "Storagebot?! Let's stop! We can discuss this!"

Storagebot disagrees as his voice is tense.

   > Storagebot: "We can discuss this?!? Don't you see they want to disintegrate me?!"

Tsukauchi sees no response. He then looks in the driver's seat where Kanaye is. He asks.

   > Tsukauchi: "Have you locked on them?"

Kanaye's target pupils rotate; they grow bigger then smaller as if they lock on something. He grins as he drives faster.

   > Kanaye: "Done already! They won't escape!"

[ Masayoshi Kanaye - Quirk: Target Lock.

+ Ability: It allows the user to lock on one target at a time by looking at them. It's like a tracking rada! When it's locked, the target can't escape his visions wherever they are. Also suitable for aiming gun as well! The quirk is only off when he removes it or moves it to another target.]

   > Kanaye: "Tsukauchi, tells the boy if he too scared, we gonna shoot to disable the robot and catch him when he falls."

Tsukauchi looked at his phone, feeling concerned.

   > Tsukauchi: "I have called the rescue team to prepare a rescue air cushion at Musutafu *** market. How are we gonna lure them in?"

Kanaye responded with confidence.

   > Kanaye: "We will fake shooting nets and pulling them down to lure it. We will surely rescue the boy before-"

Then from behind, Kamui Woods runs up with his long tree branches. He looks in one of the police cars, then at BBB, asks. The red hair crunches his face and growls in disappointment as Tsukauchi notices.

   > Kamui Woods: "It's that a criminal?"

   > Kanaye: "Ugh! Speaking of the devil!"

Tsukauchi has a better suggestion as he heads out again.

   > Tsukauchi: "Oh! Kamui Woods-san! Can you catch the boy when he falls? He's the victim!"

Without asking no more, he nods.

   > Kamui Woods: "Understood!"

Then he speeds upfront. Tsukauchi quickly turns inside the car again, calling him.

   > Tsukauchi: "Kanaye-san!"

Kanaye doesn't like heroes jumping into his plan like that. But he is still a police officer. Save people is their priority. He growls with displease manner.

   > Kanaye: "I know! Hold the steering wheel for me!"

Tsukauchi does so as Kanaye crawls halfway out of the car through the window. He holds the speaker up.

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