Chap 3 - A bad way to restart. (Part 1)

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> Author note:

My friend wants me to repeat this.

Malay: "Don't read my story."

English: "It gonna have a comic anyway."

Japanese: "My English is crappy!"

Thinking: "/Nephele is so lazy -_-)./"

Whispering: "(Also, none of the above is my mother language, so...:v)."

Storytelling: The reader gets out of this story and acts like never seen it.

Sound: *Kirk...krik...krik...*

Author comment: |But if you still like being spoiled, then...|






• On the way back to Midoriya's home.

He's walking back to his home, his head locking to the ground. Though being rescued by his biggest idol, the now invisible dream makes him feel under the weather as there is no glint of happiness on his face. Still, he wants to thank him for getting him out of trouble.

   > Midoriya: "/I want to apologize to All Might, but... I guess I'll just leave a message on his website when I get home./"

He keeps walking in silence, that bitter reality. He... he has to face them. It's time to think about the future...

He stands back.

   > Midoriya: "/But... What future...?/"

Being a hero is all he could think about. He doesn't have any other desire than that. But... what could he do? Nothing. Can he change anything? No. Just like that. He forced a sad smile.

   > Midoriya: "/Hah,... now I should head home and list all carriers that I can-/"

   > All Might: "I AM HERE!!"

   > Midoriya: "Huh?!"

Midoriya surprises at All Might's without warning appearance. He yells in shock.

   > Midoriya: "ALL MIGHT?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

                       "You were surrounded by reporters..."

All Might makes a peace sign as he laughs it off.

   > All Might: "HA HA HA! Shaking them off is nothing to me!! AFTER ALL, I AM ALL MI- *KOFF!!*"

All Might spits out blood as he deflates back to Small Might, making the middle school sweats in panic.

   > Midoriya: "Ahh!!"

Tries to save the last bit of the serious mood, All Might calls the kid out as he cleans the stained blood away. The kid was confused.

   > All Might: "Kid. I've come to thank you and revise what I said earlier... I also have news and a proposal."

   > Midoriya: "Huh?"


| Earlier...

Kamui Woods is taking his patrol off the city, looking for the bad guys. The streets seem peaceful again, but he is still on guard. That's what a hero does. Yet again, he passes this area three times a row now. It's like nothing gonna happens after that attack-.

Hiatus_Boboiboy x Bnha (When our will collides)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu