"Oh!"Stiles said with a chuckle as they hugged "Hey Dad."

"Is it over?" Sheriff Stilinski asked

"Not yet."I said grabbing his keys

After telling him what was going on Sheriff got to work

"I put an APB out on Lydia's car and every unit on the road looking for them." Sheriff Stilinski said as we waited

"Is there anything else we could do? I mean the love of my life is missing for the second time in the past year along with her best friend."I said

"At this hour? No. Not really even though it kills me."Sheriff Stilinski said

"He took them for a reason, Dad. Look if we can figure out the why, then we'll figure out the where. I mean come on it's Ella and Lydia we're talking about." Stiles said

"Okay. What would a Nogitsune need with a Serin and a Banshee?" Sheriff Stilinksi asked

"I don't know, Ella's pretty good at healing people, fighting and protection, and Lydia's pretty good at finding dead bodies. Maybe he needs to find a body? And maybe he needs Ella's protection from us even though I don't think she would." Stiles said 

"Scott, you know more about this than all of us."Sheriff Stilinkski said

"Me?"I asked

"You said Ezra gave you the whole story from Noshiko?" Sheriff Stilinski  said in a questioning manner

"Yeah, but he said it happened during World War 2. Like 70 years ago." I said

"Wait what did you say?" Stiles asked 

"Well yeah Ezra said it happened 70 years ago but let me call him." I said pulling my phone out to quickly call him

(Scott-Normal, Ezra- Italics, Stiles- Bold)

"Hey, what's up?"

"I just had a quick question, where did you say Noshiko's story happened? It's kinda important."

"Oh, she said at an interment camp..."

"Okay, what is the whole story"


"There's a girl at Eichen house. Her name's Meredith. I think she might be able to help. Ezra Meet us at Ella and Scott's house as quickly as possible."

Stiles quickly hung up after getting an okay and Sheriff Stilinski quickly put the call out after Parish informed us that Meredith got moved to the closed unit due to her nonstop screaming Sheriff Stilinski went to check only to find out Meredith escaped. Apparently, Allison and Isaac found Lydia's car.

Later that day I was talking with Ezra as Stiles was taking a nap on the couch.

"Hey! " I said when I saw that Stiles was swaying back and forth after he woke up with a gasp. "You okay?"

"What happened? How long was I out?"Stiles asked after I stabilized him

"Just a couple of hours."Ezra said from his spot on the other couch

"He's right but you should sit down."I said

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked as he shook his head

"He's at Eichen House, questioning everyone looking for Meredith. We promised him we wouldn't let you out of our sight."Ezra said while I nodded

"Okay, what about the others?"Stiles asked anxiously 

"Allison, Isaac, the twins, they're all looking for Ella and Lydia, I was too but I came home to check on you and to call Oceana to check on the twins."I said

The Blazing Storm (Scott McCall)Where stories live. Discover now