Chapter twelve: Lizzie

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It was Friday. Finally. I got up and had a shower in peace whilst the boys were sleeping, the radio playing softly in the background, so I couldn't really hear it over the sound of water running. I switched the shower off and listened for the boys, nothing, just the radio. I dressed as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb them and looked at the time. 

For once, I woke up early enough to make the twins a proper breakfast.

I peeked in on the boys who were still sleeping for five more minutes at least and crept downstairs not wanting to disturb the silence.

I put some toast in eggs and fried it gently, preparing some fruit. I was looking forward to having the girls over later. I could set up a salon for them and paint their nails and style their hair. All the things I had hoped to do with my own daughter before I had the twins.

I got the kids bags ready and made proper packed lunches rather than the hastily prepared ham sandwiches and fruit I usually packed.

The kids started to stir upstairs and I sat down at the table to enjoy my coffee today rather than just knocking it back like I usually did. If only I could be this organized every day.

I dropped the twins off at school and checked the time. I had some spare time before I was due to leave so I changed into the outfit the boys had picked and did my makeup, trying to remember the last time I had used a mascara stick or lip gloss. 

My phone buzzed and I looked at the message from Archer. Good luck

I laughed. I had two kids and a body that didn't look like it did in my twenties. I would need all the luck I could get.


Nerves nibbled at my stomach. I messaged Archer.

I'm not doing this.

Yes you are.

I haven't done anything like this in years!

Exactly you deserve this.

I have two kids! I'm past dating age.

Liz, you deserve this. For the past five years, you have put everything and everyone first. It's time to take care of yourself for once.

I smiled at his message.

Codeword if I need an emergency?


I laughed at the original choice the way he had intended and headed inside the café.


I looked up and smiled at Ben.

"Hi." I said.

He kissed my cheek and gestured to the seat in front of him.

"Please sit down, can I get you a drink?" He asked.

"A decaf coffee please." I said.

He flagged the waitress down and then leaned back to smile at me.

"I'm glad we could find time to do this." He said.

"Me too." I smiled. "I feel like I hardly get time to myself anymore."

"You have twins, right?"

"Yeah. Do you have kids?"

"Two boys and a girl." He smiled. "Though my ex, Olivia, looks after them most of the time."

He pulled out his phone.

"That's Thomas, Harley and Belle." He showed me a picture.

"They're gorgeous. How old?"

"Thomas turns eight next week, Harley's five and Belle's three."

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