Chapter Two

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Harry was dreaming, he knew this because he wasn't in pain, he was warm, and felt safe. "Wish Tom was here." He mumbled to himself; his nice Tom was always there in his dreams. Tom would hold him and kiss him and make him feel safe and loved. "Harry, how do you feel now?" Snape asked holding the boy lightly so he wouldn't undo anything the potions did last night. "I am feeling fine professor." Harry tried to lie but the wince of pain told the truth. "Let me see your back." Snape rolled the boy onto his stomach and applied some potions and ointments to help heal the whip marks. Harry was relaxing into the potion master's fingers and letting them heal him and he felt safe, like a child with their parent. "Harry, this should help, but I want to monitor you till I know for sure." Snape lightly kissed Harry's forehead and then called for his son to come in. Draconis Severus Lucius Snape-Malfoy had some of his dad's looks like the long, slender fingers and of course his height, although he looked more like Lucius and Narcissa, he was still their boy. "Dad, why did you call me?" Draco then saw Harry on the bed and ran over to see what was wrong, that was how he was, as a healer in training. "He is being healed by potions at the moment. He has been heavily abused; I want you and the rest of the snakes to watch over him. I believe that the head chicken did this." Snape then felt his son's body slam into him and burry his face in the man's chest. "It is okay Dragon; I won't let anyone hurt you or him ever." Snape placed kisses to his son's head and rubbed the boys back soothingly. "You might want to get the Weasley Twins, they are his best friends." Draco then noticed Harry was waking up and ran to his patient and helped him sit up. "Easy, you shouldn't move too fast too soon." Harry seamed nervous around Draco but soon he calmed down and smiled. "Is the offer from first year still available?" Harry asked and Draco stuck his hand out. "My name is Draco Malfoy; would you like to be my friend?" Snape smiled when Harry took the hand and both boys burst into a fit of giggles. "I am Harry Potter, and I would love to be your friend." Harry and Draco shook hands and broke into another fit of giggles that had both boys crying. Snape was happy, it had been some time since Draco had laughed freely and happily like this. "Draco, Harry, I want to take you both home for a little bit, perhaps for two days." Draco was quick to rush off the bed and pulled Harry with him. "We need to get you dressed, you will meet my father and mother." Draco was excited and Harry just went with him. After about an hour of Draco putting Harry in different robes and other expensive wizarding clothes, they were ready to leave. Draco was wearing a dark green shirt, black dress pants, and light grey robes. Harry wore a light green dress (after Draco noticed how Harry was looking at the dress that Pansy left in the room), and black robes with a sliver snake shaped clasp on the front. Snape was shocked at Harry's appearance, the boy's hair had been lengthened by Draco and the messy hair turned into gentile waves, just like Lily's used to do. Snape had loved Lily as a sister and James was just playing up his part to draw suspicion away from himself as being with Regulas; the day at the lake was because Regulas said Snape had been picking on him and James and Sirius were getting him back for it. "Can we go now?" Draco was excited to see father and mother, it hadn't even been a week, but he missed them, he could be with his dad all the time but not his father and mother. "Yes. Harry, I want you to hold onto me while we floo travel." Snape lightly held Harry close to him so that it was safe but not painful for the young wizard. Harry felt the tug on him as they flew the green fire and soon, he saw the sitting room of the Malfoy family's ancestral home. "Welcome to our home Mr. Potter." Lucius greeted and shook Harry's hand before kissing Snape's hand and hugging Draco. "Cissa is making the invites for our yearly Yule ball." Snape left to find Narcissa, and Lucius and Draco took Harry to one of the many sitting rooms in the manor they ordered some snacks and drinks and spent time talking about the resort and Harry's past came up. "So, Harry, what was it like growing up with muggles?" Lucius witnessed firsthand the emotions that crossed the boy's face. "Father, we should let Dad and Mom talk to him." Draco went over to help stop the panic attack that was starting. Lucius wanted to defuse the situation and called for his husband and wife. "What's wrong Luci?" Narcissa Snape-Malfoy walked in and saw the boys hugging and ran over to help calm down the panicking Harry. "What happened?" Snape demanded in a soft tone and Harry buried his face in the man's cloak. "I mentioned his muggle relatives and he panicked, what did they do to him?" Lucius was now holding Draco who was now softly crying into his father's shoulder. "I can show you." Snape replayed Harry's memories of what the muggles did to him and soon both Narcissa and Lucius were ready to kill some muggles. "We need to tell our lord what happened." Lucius said while holding his now sobbing son closer to him. "You need to tell me what, Lucius?" Voldemort entered and saw Harry was crying and went over to the boy. "Come here my little snake." Voldemort said dropping the glamour and becoming his handsome self. 

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