._take it back._

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Entering the hallway again, I see Wilbur pacing around. Once he had seen me, Wilbur stopped dead in place and grinned.

"I knew you would come bac-"

"Shut. It. Horny. Fucker." I reply and walk into the now empty meeting room. Everyone had eft, most likely because of the whole fuss I caused. Well who could blame me? Wilbur can be a pain in the arse, especially when he wants to be.

I hear a door close behind me, darkness engulfs everything. including me. I hear the sound of a lighter, continuosly being fiddled with. Turning around, the flame lit up and the atmosphere became gloomy.

"Wilbur I know it is y-" 

He puts his hand on my mouth and hushes me, what the fuck? I squirm around and  try to yell at him but then he looks into my eyes. His pupils were blown out and he seemed afraid.

"Schlatt and dream. They are here." He whispers, panic clearly in his shaky voice

I stop all my movement and widen my eyes, trying to ignore the fact Wilbur is inching up closer to me.

"I swear toots was suppose to be here. Where else could she go?" Schlatt's voice was crystal clear. . . The old goat was just outside the meeting room.

"All hope isn't lost. She must be here somewhere, she probably went here because it is the most 'safest' place for her." Dream spoke, tone flat. "We should check in here, this meeting room must have their plans and ideas for a next attack."

My heart stopped at that moment, I could hear the door handle creak.

"Eh leave it. There plans must be stupid anyway. We don't have time to waste, the next place we search is. . . The woods." 

Schlatt huffed in reply and let go of the door handle, thankfully. 



Today is my birthday, I am keeping this chapter short but the author note shit longer.

On the community server, on the uhh event chat? I am going to be waiting for your questions about me or my stories. Then in the next chapter I shall be answering them, all of them.

Aight bye bye chat and have a great day! :)

Burn it to the ground (Pogtopia C!Wilbur x reader)Where stories live. Discover now