Chapter 33 - Master of Puppets

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'Every single one, lest they poison the rest.' Those red eyes followed the track Giannis had taken then squared back onto him. He was disappointed. 'Is it just you?'

Giannis straightened his back, and his skin prickled all over. The golden cross on his chest branded a sense of security into him. 'We don't need anyone else.'

Lazarus chuckled. 'I have something else to give you.' The vampire plunged his hand into his own leather coat and unsheathed silver sword. The rest of the vampires stiffened and one of them made a snide comment that Giannis didn't quite catch. He took it as a sign of their envy and raised his chin proudly. 'The bullets will only do half the job when he's in the final stage. There aren't enough men like you Mr Vlachos, you truly are an inspiration. And who knows, if all goes well, there might be a place for you with us.'

'I don't want to be a vampire—' Giannis was swiftly interrupted by the pale woman. She shouted commands at the group, there were only ten of them, including himself, huddled in the forest across the Mavros Manor. Lazarus clapped Giannis on the back and started moving with vampires out of the trees. Giannis looked down at the shining silver sword and then back at the group. All of them threw on their sunhats and some pulled on a pair of sunglasses or wrapped a scarf over their nose and mouths. Each with a shining weapon ready to fight as the sun began to set and burned their backs. The iron gate loomed over them, and the gothic manor stood with an unswayable confidence far ahead. He felt his knees buckle, he wanted to go home and sit with his mum.

'Giannis,' Lazarus called and gestured him to come over. Giannis stood beside him as they faced the team and the gate. 'There are many benefits to this line of work.'

'I do't want to change,' Giannis said.

'You won't have to, you're perfect as you are. The reason I offer it is because I see a bit of myself in you.' Giannis softened before his dad came to mind and he straightened his back again. He didn't like being comparable, like being anybody. There was only one of him, no one could compete, soon they'd be no one left. 'You're not worried are you?' Lazarus pressed. Giannis took offence that that could have even been asked of him.

'I don't worry.'

'Of course not. You're the king.'

'I'm the king,' Giannis growled.

Lazarus prodded his mouth in Giannis' ear. 'And Lycius has had it coming for too long.'

Two vampires pushed against the iron gate, the metal bars bent in their grip and the woman led the team as Lazarus, Giannis noted, lingered somewhere behind with one other vacant vampire at his side. Lazarus smiled encouragingly. He motioned his hand forward like a parent trying to encourage their shy child to play with the other kids on the playground. It was just that the other kids were grown vampires and weren't particularly warm towards Giannis since their first meeting. None of that mattered, what mattered was what was ahead of him. He was finally going to see Lycius for what he was and his blood howled at the prospect of proving it. Giannis stayed at the centre of the group while they kicked open the front doors. A flash of grey movement soared over his head and on instinct, Giannis followed the werewolf with barrel of his gun and shot. Two vampires had ducked and one slapped his slapped gun down to point to the floor.

'Watch where you're aiming dick!' she spat then shouldered past him. He ran to where the werewolf, he had gotten it! It charged towards Lazarus and his companion as they stood on the lawn in its path. The companion flicked his coat back and moved quickly with his gun to shoot. The werewolf lunged over them as well and ran for the open gate.

The pale woman leading the team smacked Giannis aside and swore under her breath. She glared at Giannis and grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and flung him into the house. 'Get inside and do the job human!'

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