I Am Just Showing You Some Apprecaition Chapter 28

Start from the beginning

When I came home as the clock struck midnight there was a note left on the fridge door in Helens articulate and cursive handwriting to say my meal was in the oven, the cheese board was out under the silver dish and she had placed a bottle of port and a bottle of red wine to go with the lamb casserole she had made. I held that piece of paper to my heart and smiled. This is what I wanted. A simple domestic life with her taking care of me and leaving me little notes. When the fuck did I become so soft? The last time a woman left me a note it was at the Hotel Calavlier to say that although my sexual prowess had proven immeasurable and I had shown her a great time in Germany it eas a shame I was such a callus Casanova  as the bra I had left on the night stand wasn't even hers. Nor was the lip stick or hand bag I had found under the bed. Oops. What can I say? My body is a temple and likes to be worshipped by all.

I sat down to my meal and said a sile t thank you to whatever deity was yp there for giving me such a good woman even kf she was a Jewess and then I ate and drank EVERYTHING on my plate, including the cheeseboard and a large slice of velvet chocate cake that was in the fridge. The bottle of port and red wine went down quite well too.

It was almost 2am and I was wide awake but feeling a little excitable and silly. I wanted  to thank Helen for her amazing meal. It was probably the wine and port talking but for a desperate moment she needed to know I had ate it all and I wanted to show her right then and there. So I got a bit more silly and giggled my way down to the cellar with a tray of my empty dishes and glasses and jingled down the cellar steps.

It was dark apart from the small lamp Helen had on her beside cabinet and I managed to tip toe over to her still holding all the crockery in one place and I felt like a true athlete as I placed it all down sadly and them began poking Helen who was snuggled up under her blankets with only the top of her curly mane splashed on the pillow. The little camp bed was quite low so I had to crouch on my knees so I didnt fall over her.

"Pppssssssstttt.....ppsssssttt.....pssssst...Helen..Helen...Helen...Pppsssssttttttt." I whispered harshly ti her as I poked her bony arm through the blankets but she didtn move.

"Ppppssssssttttt.......pssstttttt......Helen...Helen...Helen wake up! ......pssssttttttt....."

I continued my administrations for a good few minutes before I got bored and decided it would be a wonderful idea if ai jjst got I to bed with her and woke her up thay way, at least she wouldnt wake up to a hugley brisoed arm as I did poke her quite roughly.  And it was always nice to wake up to my face.I had been waking up to it for almost 36 years and I was always enthralled with how gorgeous I  Iooked so I know Helen would appreciate it too. I mean she did say she cpuld handle me so this would be nothing to her really. 

I began taking off my shoes and socks amd my  pull over and I unbuttoned shirt a bit. I didnt want my trousers to crease because Helen spent a good hour ironing the front crease in so I took them off too. Then I felt a bit silly jjst standing in my half unbuttoned shirt and vest and underwear so I thoughtI would jjst saveyself the hassle of having to get undressed.up stairs. So with my drunk common sense leading the way ai stripped down to my birthday suit and expertly scooted onto the small space Helen hadnt occupied to the left of her. I had no poem being naked next to her at all, infact it was the obly way I wanted to be next to her  all the time if I had my way. Plus she had seen me naked quite a few times so it shouldn't really bother her by now. 

I lay ony side and pulled the blankets over me and felt rpund with my left hand to tey amd rouse her. But then I accidently managed to touch her small breast and as soon as I felt her nipple theough her woolen winter nightie my penis grew within a second. Oh dear. Then my mind wondered some place nice and warm and wet and my fingers itched to touch her. Wpuldnt it be nice for her to wake up with me suckling on her nipples and stroking her sweet sex with my fingers? She wpuld wake up in orgasmic bliss! Who wouldn't want that?

His Jewess Part 2Where stories live. Discover now