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Some people are closer than how far they seem to be apart.

However if the unseen knots untie,

the path crosses to tie for the lessons untold,mysteries to unfold,heart sold,

To the eyes who beholds the deepest soul,to become the whole.

Through dark there's light,through light there's dark,with light it's dark,as above so below.

This physical realm binds the mind,unable to see what's far behind,

There exists a light unseen,unable to comprehend,so complex.

Foolish are expect ourselves to be an independent entity?
In reality,however we are fractions of an infinite whole,

Some must have inherited similar souls,With the same paths and life goals.

Once through the introspection, there's no going out of the rabbit hole,
to know that depth of darkness,through the unbounded soul,sit alone.

From there comes light,madness and healing.

If I isolate,I know that it was just not a choice,but a chaos yet to be aligned.

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