chapter 10

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One day, Charlie has everyone gather in an old conference room for an important meeting Everyone is sitting down at a large rectangular circle table. Alastor, Niffty, and Husk sitting on one side while Y/n , Angel Dust, and Vaggie sit on the other. Charlie is standing in front of white with a silver stand that has sharpies, erasers, and magnets on it.

"So toots, what's the reason for having us all here? I have better things to do than sit here all day," Angel asks.

"I'm sure it's important. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here," Alastor says.

Angel leans back with one pair of arms putting his hands behind his back, while the other crosses on the stomach. He then places his legs on the table.

"Eh, as long it is not for anything boring, lame, stupid," Angel says.

Charlie clears her throat and catches everyone's attention.

Then Charlie says, "Alright everyone, we're to discuss how we can attract more demons to the hotel to try out the Rehabilitation project. It's already three weeks since the uh, interview, and only a handful have shown up to try to get redeemed, so I thought we can put our heads together on how we can have more demons come to the hotel and try to see if they can be redeemed."

So does anyone have any ideas?" Charlie asks with a smile.

Angel raises his hand, "We could have a club here. You know, we can serve food, drinks and alcohol, and dance. I can do my pole dancing and any moves."

"We're not doing a Strip Club! The point of this project is to discourage sin!" Vaggie angrily protested.

Niffty then raises her hands, "Maybe we can do a car was, or a Landry club or even a knitting club.


Husk? Do you have suggestions?"

The cat demon took a swig of his whiskey before looking at charlie." one word"


"No!"everyone says at the same time. And husk shrugs.

"Alastor, any ideas

Alastor perked up "I could advertise on my radio show! For no cost of course!"

The very same one you host your murder show on. Vaggie speakers up." All that will do is bring psychopaths or cannibals."

"Yes they will surely bring publicity either way my dear "

No! I mean it's a good ideas but I think we should start small can't have anymore guest getting eaten. Charlie chuckle.

"Vaggie." She asks her girlfriend." We could have a ball. We can bring food drinks, music and with me and y/n we can keep any guest in line.

"A PARTY!" Charlie asked excitedly, "Ooo! I like it!"

Charlie drew a smiley face on the idea on the white board jumping excitedly." Good idea vaggie."

Alastor spoke, "Indeed. It does like the correct approach, I can even have my shadows play the music."

"Before we announce this ball we should include this isn't, what do the kids call it... A rave or a place to have sex or drugs." Y/n says

'Yes of course, Oooo! This will be so good!" Charlie was practically bouncing in her chair..after a hour of going over the details they had a plan. Y/n vaggie are on security, Alastor in charge of music and Charlie, nifty on food. And finally angel and husk on the bar .

Sounds good everyone this is the event we need. Now we have two weeks to prepare Alastor get advertisement and premonitions. Vaggie make sure we're prepared for anything. Nifty help husk y/n and angel get the  ball room ready. She then stood up, "This concludes our meeting! Charlie got up and rushed out the door grabbing Alastors hand and forcing him to follow along.

Y/n  chuckled, especially at seeing Alastors slightly panicked expression as he was forcefully dragged away.

After a few moments of him just sitting there, he finally stood up and sighed.getting into the elevator and pressing the lobby floor button he begins to think. When was the last time he even went to a regular party or event. It has been so long since he sincerely just went to a social event that he forgot how to approach people.

" I think the last time I went to anything that is  any sort of a party was my wedding night." That was a looooong time ago. That's probably the last time he really danced or sang for that matter. I mean he and Selena listen to music and just waltz but that was just to be romantic.

Speaking of her he should really send her a invitation. She always loves going to any kind of party. She tried to bring him on multiple occasions but he always politely refused. Maybe he can show her what he's capable of on the dance floor when they get the time. He sure vaggie will let him slip out of security and have at least one dance.

Thanks for all the support it helps me continue.

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