I sat down on the couch in my music room, my fingers nimbly plucking out a cigarette as I placed it between my lips and sparked it lit taking in a long inhale before slowly dragging it away from my lips as I let the smoke sail from between them easily before gently grabbing the cigarette with my lips again as I picked up my guitar and started to play. I had five more days with her and I was suddenly starting to feel like it was never going to be enough and couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling the same.

Lacey's POV

I woke up on the couch with a small smile on my face as I pulled my arms from the covers and stretched them over my head letting out a small groan as if my muscles were thanking me. I had slept so fucking well last night—probably the best I have slept since I've been here—but I couldn't help but wonder when the man that had made me sleep like I was on a cloud had left to go back to his room, if it was last night after I fell asleep or if he just left before I got up so I wouldn't feel weird. I had to admit that at first I felt awkward for laying against him last night, but the tingles that ran through my body when that deep rough voice rasped out It's okay, I don't mind Lacey instantly had me feeling otherwise and I knew that I was fucking done for.

Everything about him was so different than what I expected, well in a way. I feel like in the last five days I have been on nothing but a never-ending rollercoaster of his emotions. Between being an extreme dickhead, to being sweet and thanking me for the cake, back to being a dickhead again, then throwing me for a huge loop and corkscrew all at once with breakfast, conversation, playing call of duty and cuddling on his couch. I mean shit I didn't even know what I was in store for today, but regardless how much I was being thrown around it was quiet a beautiful and surprising ride.

I let out a small and quiet giggle as I pulled the covers up even further as I rolled over on my side and let out a sigh, the smell of his intoxicating cologne that clung to the blanket and my shirt filled my nose and made tingles run over my body as I tried to memorize the scent just in case I didn't get a chance to get close enough to smell it again. I closed my eyes for just a brief second before opening them and biting on my bottom lip. I wasn't sure what was happening at all, and I wasn't expecting anything to come out of this—unlike Alycia—but now I couldn't help but wonder if she might have been right and if she was, I was pretty confident that last night solidified that I wasn't going to stop it if something more happened.

I laid there for a few minutes longer still floating on the feeling of being wrapped in his arm last night when I remembered I was supposed to call Alycia and fill her in on everything. I reached in my back pockets for my phone only to be greeted with emptiness. I sat up frantically running my fingers through my extremely messy hair when I finally saw it sitting on the floor. I let out a breath as I bent down to grab it, my thumb pressing on the screen several times only reassuring me that throughout the night it had died. I looked at it contemplating whether or not I should go plug it in so I could fill Alycia in on every juicy detail of our actually extremely fun and—dare I say it—cute evening, but that didn't seem to be the most important thing to me right now.

I sighed again as I stood up sliding my phone into the back pocket of my shorts before grabbing the fluffy blanket. I folded it up neatly and placed it back on the chair he had gotten it from last night. I smiled as I started to fix the pillows on the couch, so it didn't look like I had been sleeping there all night before crossing my arms over my chest as I headed for my room—to maybe get at least another hour of sleep before I started my day—when I was stopped in my tracks by the sweet sound of his guitar making my heart flutter followed by the soft rasp of his voice softly singing one of my favorite country songs.

I quietly walked closer towards the part of the hall that seemed to disappear into the wall as I slowly turned the corner and walked the few feet before leaning up against the wall as I watched him, the way his fingers moved over the strings as he easily strummed out the chords to Lay Down With You and the way his voice seemed to add that extra emotion to the song made tingles float up my spine, the only thought fluttering through my mind was whether or not he was singing this song about me. I took in a deep shaky breath before slowly shaking my head as I smiled and closed my eyes letting all my thoughts drift away as I focused on him playing and singing the song.

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