When the nurse said that everyone remained silent, trying not to cry or even scream.

Aubrey: W-what?

Nurse: I think it's a small chance though. You should be fine.

Aubrey starts panicking.

Aubrey: But what happens if I'm not fine?! Then what?! I could die!

The nurse grabs Aubrey by the shoulders.

Nurse: Sorry Aubrey, but I won't let that happen.

Aubrey calms down.

Aubrey: Why are you so determined? If you don't mind me asking.

The nurse sighs and sits at the end of the bed.

Nurse: I had a daughter. She died as a young teenager from cancer. I'll do whatever it takes to save someone from that. It caused the whole family great pain, we held a funeral for her and it turns out she'd had cancer most of her life and we didn't know. We were told about it after 5 years of her having it.

Aubrey: I'm so sorry. That must hurt like hell.

Nurse: Yes. It does. So much.

The nurse starts crying and Aubrey feels bad.

Aubrey: What was her name?

Nurse: Josephine she had a boyfriend named Jason.

The Lynch family all gasp. Aubrey's confused.

Aubrey: What?

Laura: At your school in Cali, there was a couple in the school Josephine and Jason. Jason tried to kill you many times because of a stupid bet.

The memory floods through Aubrey's head and she screams. Everyone starts worrying.

Hunter: Aubrey, you ok?

Aubrey's now gasping for air. She clings onto the nurses arm. Aubrey pants.

Aubrey: I-I r-remember.

The nurse smiles.

Nurse: How much?

Aubrey: T-Terrance l-lied to m-me the w-whole time. I-I jumped o-off a b-bridge. H-him and J-J-Jessica.

Everyone in the room stares at Aubrey in disbelief.

Ryder: What about me?

Aubrey: What do you mean?

Ryder looks down ashamed.

Aubrey: Oh, you mean the fact that you lied about going to boarding school...yea, how could I forget about that.

Ryder sighs.

Ryder: Aubrey I'm sorry.

Aubrey: Of course you are.

The nurse does some x-Rays on Aubrey's leg. After 20 minutes the nurse walks back in with the results. Everyone fills with nerves and holds hands with each other praying for the best. The nurse sighs.

Nurse: Aubrey...

There's a minute silence...everyone fills with tension.

Rocky: Just spit it out would ya?!

The nurse chuckles then goes back to being dead serious.

Nurse: Aubrey...congratulations.

Aubrey's shocked.

Aubrey: What? So I don't-

The nurse smiles.

Nurse: Yup.

Aubrey stands up on the bed.


Everyone laughs then Aubrey falls down because of her leg. Some gasp and the nurse bandages her leg up.

Nurse: You're fine Aubrey it's just a deep cut, nothing to be worried about.

Aubrey: Ok thank you nurse. When can I go home?

Nurse: Whenever you're ready. I'm just going to have to ask your parents to come with me so they can sign the release papers.

Ross and Laura stand up and walk out of the room following the nurse.

Aubrey: So, who's going to help me get changed?

All the guys turn around and Aubrey sighs.

Aubrey: It's good to know you guys all love me.

The girls all hold in a snicker and the guys groan and turn around.

Guys: We'll help.

Everyone helps Aubrey get up and get changed then they all leave the hospital.

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