Chapter 7: Unwanted Guests.

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(Sorry for the two months inactivity guys, I am strugling on how to continue this story so chapters might take longer from now on, but I'll try my best. I also apologize If you see way more grammar errors than usual, by the time I'm publishing this is going to be very late and I'm too tired to check if there is something wrong.)

Fauna's house.

3rd pov:

A day has passed since y/n met fauna.

Yesterday it was already getting too late for fauna to help y/n so right after they got back to her home. Fauna gave y/n his guns back and both had a small dinner while talking about the things they both lived before going to their respective rooms to sleep.

Although y/n didn't like much the choice of healthy vegetables fauna has but he didn't want to make her feel bad so he ended up eating it along with his dislikes.

But tomorrow was going to be the perfect day.

If fauna wanted y/n to have a normal life, she needed to teach him about the modern world so she let him stay at her place.

She knew that she wasn't the best person to talk about modernity but she couldn't ask mumei for help, not when it comes to someone like y/ she had to use what mumei taught her.

Of course, It was't going to be easy.


It was 1:00, A time where some people are already sleeping to get ready for the day and for others it was the time where the fun starts.

Like for example...our mother nature instead of being in bed...she was streaming instead...

Although she was already ending it.

Fauna(EN): "I think I'll end it here my saplings, I had a good time as always and I hope you guys did too! I'll read a few superchats before leaving!"

As she said, fauna started reading superchats.

Superchat 1: "Are you going to be on the 3rd fes?"

Fauna(EN): "Of course I will! That's a silly question I mean there is no way me nor my genmates are out of it right?"

Fauna looked at the camera.

Fauna(EN): "Right?..."

Superchat 2: "How's your trip to japan doing so far?"

Fauna(EN): "It's been nice lately! I had the oportunity to spend more time with my JP friends, I even made a new one!"

Fauna got near the microphone.

Fauna(EN): "He is a very unique and instering person, a little grumpy but don't tell him I said that~"

The chat was curious about who was fauna's new 'friend.'

Chat 1: "He?!"

Chat 2: "Unique? What mades him unique?"

Chat 3: "Where is he now? we want to know him!"

Chat 4: "Is he legal?"

Fauna was overwhelmed with questions so she just answered a few of them.

Fauna(EN): "Yes he is a guy but don't overthink it! I know you guys very well! He is more than 18 years old but I don't think the word 'legal' fits him. and nope! You can't meet him! Sorry for dissapointing you everybody but I don't think he would want that."

Fauna didn't went into further details because she didn't wanted her friends at hololive nor her genmates to find out yet who he was. There was a high chance some of them where watching her stream if they weren't busy.

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