Horny Period (NSFW)

Start from the beginning

After a little while of suckling. I finally finished. I got up and laid down with my head on Bella's chest. She then summoned a book I have been reading and gave it to me. I opened the page I ended on and started reading.

Soon I got cold. I wanted a blanket. I looked up and saw Bella focused on the book. Reading each line carefully. I then looked to Cissa and she set down her book so she could finish her tea. I looked at her and waited for her to notice me.

She soon looked towards where I was and saw me shivering. She summoned a blanket and carefully put it on me not to disturb Bella's reading. Bella felt the blanket and helped cover my body to warm up while still reading. I mouthed a thank you to cissa and she nodded and went back to her book.

After a bit of reading I started to get sleepy. Without knowing I fell asleep on Bella and dropped the book I was reading on the couch.

After an hour or so I woke up to the smell of my favorite food. It was probably around lunch time right now. I looked up and saw I switched sisters and got back to Cissa's lap. She was scratching my scalp lightly and trailing her fingers through my hair. She looked down and saw me awake. "Good morning, princess. How was your nap?" She asked. "Good, mommy" I said back in my baby voice. She hummed in response. I looked over and saw Bellatrix gone from the couch. "Where is mommy bella?" I asked. "She has to go to work sweetie. She will be back soon." Cissa answered.

An elf appeared out of nowhere and handed me my favorite food. I tried to grab the plate but, Cissa beat me to it. "I am feeding you this time love." She said as she grabbed the plate. She put some food on the fork and brought it up to my mouth. I opened my mouth and took the food. Eating the delicious taste of the food. (Though I do prefer my mommies over every food. They taste better.)

After a while I finished eating. Cissa put the plate down and another house elf grabbed the empty plate and left. Cissa lifted my upper body off her chest and unzipped her dress a little bit. She pulled her bra down to allow me access to her breast. I latched on and suckled the amazing taste. I loved both of the sisters milk they provided me. I could never choose one as a favorite.

Cissa grabbed the blanket and put it so she was covering herself and me so no one saw what she was doing. She always got scared that a house elf would come into the room unannounced and see things the poor elf wouldn't want to see. Bellatrix would just kill someone if they saw it. Sometimes she wouldn't care if someone saw her feeding her baby. She only cared about you and would do anything for you. Same with Cissa.

They would spoil you rotten. They would make sure I was happy and safe. I always felt guilty of them buying expensive things for me. I still do but, I learned to accept they would do it anyway.

I then started having the need of skin to skin. Half of the time I am on my period I would want that. I carefully took off my hoodie and stopped suckling for a bit to take my hoodie all the way off. I wasn't wearing a bra underneath since we weren't going anywhere. Cissa reached under the blanket and started rubbing circles on my back. I went back to suckling with the feeling of our skin's touching.

I also forgot to mention that I get really horny when I am on my period. It happens at random times as I have it. I then hear the door open and close. I was to busy suckling to want look and see who entered the house. The sound of heels came to my attention as they clicked closer to where we are. "Welcome back Bella. How was work?" Cissa said. "Boring. I didn't get assigned to anything yet. As much as I like spending time with our baby, I would like to go out and do something fun once in a while." She said with a sigh. "Baby's hungry isn't she." Bella then said. "She has been thirsty after eating lunch." Cissa said while still rubbing my back. "The darling couldn't survive a day with having one of our breasts. But I don't mind it one bit." Bella said.

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