Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

"We took care of it," he said gently. Too gently. "Though I have to ask, why Lysandra?"

I knew what he was asking. While I didn't know why, I also didn't care to question it. This was a gift, a precious moment to soak in the exact timbre of his voice - maybe one of the last.

I wrapped my arms around myself, hugging tight. "Because more than me, more than anyone else, Lysandra deserved to be the one to end him. What he took from her ... it can't be replaced."

I shuddered so violently that I saw the light shimmering off the gold in my dress, remembering how he had wanted to take that very thing from me. Yes, Lysandra deserved to deliver his far-overdue death. And besides, she wasn't the monster in this scenario - I was.

I shook my head, spraying droplets of rain off the combs and the strands of hair that had come loose. Some broken, despondent shard of my soul had me continuing to speak, though I hardly knew why.

"It feels wrong," I confessed softly. "I thought it would be a relief, a joy to get through tonight. But all I feel is hollow. And tired."

Cassian's arm sliding around me, folding me into his side should have been a shock, but -

All I could feel was the delicious heat of his skin, warming my wind and rain-chilled skin, attempting to melt my frozen heart. I shouldn't, no - couldn't - let myself thaw, but still -

Just this once - just this one, last time, I'd let him hold me. Let myself pretend that everything was normal, that I wouldn't have to endure what I knew was coming - what I knew I deserved.

With a sigh, I rested my head against his chest, hoping beyond reason that my tears wouldn't betray me now. The tips of my bat-wing combs dug into him enough that after a moment, he eased them one at a time from my hair. The soft caress of his fingers nearly enough to undo me.

From the corner of my eye, I watched as he admired their craftsmanship, and I murmured, "I want you to sell those. And anything else of value in the apartment. I want you to burn this dress, though."

At least that way I could still make sure they were provided for while I worked to return their kingdom to them.

"As you wish," he said, pocketing the combs. "Such a pity, though. Your enemies would have fallen to their knees if they ever saw you in it."

I had no idea my General-mate was such an accomplished liar. Though, I supposed it made sense why they sent him to deal with me, and no one else. I wondered how they would do it, how they would ruin me beyond repair.

In a way, though, they already had.

I huffed a laugh that might have been a sob, hugging myself tighter. My eyes burned with unshed tears when his arms encircled mine, pulling me more solidly within his embrace. My sodden hair tumbled down, the scent of him - snow-kissed wind and crackling embers - rising above the smell of almonds to dance across my senses.

I wanted to rage at the cruelty of it all.

Cassian turned his head down to look at me, rain dripping off his night-kissed hair. His features softened a bit, the harsh lines becoming more inviting - vulnerable even.

His heartless façade didn't falter as he lifted a hand to cup my chin, lifting my face to meet his. "Tell me what you're thinking."

My lips parted without my permission, and I breathed, "I'm thinking it's finally the end. It's all over."

The calluses of his fingers were startlingly gentle when they brushed against my cheek. I waited for him to pull back, to finally end his ruse, but he just stared at me - stared into me, as though he wanted his next words to be imprinted on my very soul.

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