Chapter Thirteen

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I winnowed Aelin away to the prison, and we appeared on the rocky outcropping ahead of the gates. The immense mountain rose before us, dwarfing Aelin's slim frame. Her eyes were focused on the mountain with a steely gaze of determination. I cleared my throat as her eyes focused on mine. "This is the Prison, it holds some of our world's most dangerous criminals within the mountain. We can't winnow directly inside, but once we enter we can leave at any time you want. We won't be trapped, and we won't see anyone else besides the Bone Carver. The guards inhabit the walls themselves." She nodded tersely. I hated having to bring her here after learning of her time in the mines, but the Bone Carver could have vital information for her.

As we approached the gates, I filled Aelin in on the additional details of the Bone Carver, how he would appear, how to interact with him and more. Typically I was very concerned when speaking to the Bone Carver, but I was almost giddy to see him interact with Aelin. She could talk circles around everyone, and had an incredibly sharp mind. The Bone Carver may not be the one walking away from this conversation victorious.

Right before we entered the wards of the Prison, Mor reached out mentally Please hurry up at the Prison. Cassian has decided now is an excellent time to share all of your intentions regarding the Queen with Rowan and now they are heading to the training ring. I would expect complete bedlam when you return.

I chuckled at that. I had caught the gleam in Cassian's eyes as we had winnowed away and was not surprised that he had taken the time to inform the other Fae male of his thoughts, especially since my bothers and I had discussed our intentions the night before. This powerhouse of a female had ensnared all of us, and I think she would find we were not that easy to shake. Surprisingly, knowing my brothers and even Rowan wanted a piece of Aelin didn't fill me with jealousy. It's like my primal self understood the absolute rarity and brilliance of this woman. If I were entrusted with even a small part of her heart, I would guard it more fiercely than all the treasures in the realm.

During my musings, we had arrived at the elaborately carved doors to The Bone Carver's cell. I turned to Aelin, who nodded with determination. Sliding into my irreverent high lord mask, I sauntered into the cell. A small girl looked back at me, the sinister expression of the Bone Carver unsettling on her delicate features. Blond hair cascaded over an adorable face, but her violet eyes burned with the knowledge of a being who had been alive before the establishment of Prythian. I heard a sharp inhale come from Aelin as she entered the cell behind me. I turned my sharp gaze to her, but she had already mastered her features. Her true thoughts were now hidden behind her cocky and arrogant assassins mask. Turning back to the small child, I tossed him a bone fragment. Nodding towards it, "A piece of rib bone from Amarantha after I tore out her heart."

The carver greedily examined the bone and turned towards Aelin, "Such an illustrious guest you bring me, High Lord. A World Walker. Our realm has not seen the likes of you in a millennia."

Aelin quirked her eyebrow at that, "And what do you know of other worlds, Carver?" Her refusal to be impressed or cowed by such a primordial being floored me.

"More than you would think, World Welder." I quirked my eyebrow at that, more titles would be forthcoming, it seemed. "The real question is if you shall reunite Eirlea and Prythian, as the whispers of the worlds suggest."

Aelin hummed, "So our worlds were once one. Interesting, but forgive me if I fail to see the pertinence of that at the moment." I couldn't help that my heart jumped at that. If our worlds were meant to be one, that meant there was a real possibility of keeping Aelin in our lives. Hope and longing filtered through my chest as I kept my expression carefully blank.

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