Start from the beginning

I catch one of them, blowing it out and flipping it onto the counter before one handedly juggling the other two while I grabbed some real alcohol. 

I took the three bottles and juggled them, before going back to one handed juggling the two bottles on fire and poured the alcoholic drink onto the counter behind me. I bumped the beer back to it's spot and flipped one of the fire bottles into my other hand and lit the stream of alcohol.

The flames lit and the small crowd that had formed cheered. 

I dipped my fingers in the fire and a few gasped, before I blew on them and a puff of fire flew from my mouth. 

Several moms looked at me astonished but amazed, and their kids even more amazed. 

After all it's been a good couple of days since I had breathed fire.

I dipped my middle finger back into the fiery line and blew on it, breathing fire while flipping off my co-worker, Ash, in the process.

I cackled as he looked at me like he was just yelled at for spilling something, aka a death stare. I flipped the bottles of fire one last time before mid-air blowing them both out. I placed them with the other BOF and wiped off the fired up counter behind me, popping out the little fire mechanism in my mouth in the process. 

The crowd cheered for me before dissipating once again, going back to their seats to eat food or whatever.

I heard Clown whistle and looked over. I let out a breathy laugh and walk over to him.

We smirked at eachother and took the moment to look at one another's features. 

I noticed a prominent, rosy red blush appearing in his cheeks. His maroon brown eyes flicked as I studied them. They had the richest gold in all of the world and the greenest leaves sprinkled about. Watery blues and foamy grays washed up within the undergrounded beauty. Ruby reds and diamond teals sprouted amongst the rich forest of colours and lights. They were mainly a soft brown, that when you really looked at, it wasn't all dirt and mud, it was a full library of ores and waves and waterfalls. His pale - and currently rosy - skin showed light freckles that bounced in stripped of ores, some 2 veins others 8 or 9 veins.

I looked down towards his lips and felt the blush on my face rise ever so slowly as I examined the pink lips. 

It was only when I felt him breathe out that I realized I had been creeping closer to him. I flinched and backed up a bit, looking away and clearing my throat. Clown followed suite and we just shared an awkward moment. 

We both double checked to make sure we weren't needed before Clown started up the conversation.



I bit my lip.

"What we're you going to talk to me about?" I jumped in, lightly tapping my fingers on the counter. I decided to occupy myself by wiping a glass cup. 

Clown looked over to a table where I noticed Rasplin, Doly, Squid, and Eryn sitting together ordering off the menu. Ras looked over towards us and flashed Clown a thumbs up. 

He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I was... thinking, how about- if your not busy that is- uh, how about we go watch a movie later tonight?"

"Is that a date?~" I immediatly replied back in an effort to tease him. He tensed up and blushed hard.

"Uh- uh-! It d-doesn't h-ave to b-be a da-ate! We could go- uh- uhmm- as friends...?" He gave me an awkward smile and shuffled a lot.

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