Reader Update

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Hello to all my beautiful and amazing readers,

I know it's been a while since the last update for this story, and for this, I apologise! The story is so very close to its endpoint and I hate to make you all wait.
However, for those that might have missed the announcement on my profile, I have had a very important reason for my writing hiatus...

However, for those that might have missed the announcement on my profile, I have had a very important reason for my writing hiatus

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12 weeks old and already so perfect 🥰❤️

The journey so far has been rough. This little sweet angel has made mummy feel extremely sick and exhausted 24/7. So, you can understand my difficulty with focusing on writing. I have tried writing small amounts every day when I feel up to it but with the next chapter being an eventful one it'll take time.
Mine and baby's health are at the forefront of my worries at the moment, so I hope you'll all be patient and understanding.

Sending all the love and positivity to you wonderful people.

From your very nauseous, yet happy author,

Holly xox

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