chapter 8 - My god Taishiro 🤦‍♂️

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Time skip -brought to you by my lack of will to live lol-

Sanshi POV --------------------------------

I had arrived home shortly after, as my apartment wasn't far from his house. Walking in the door the main desk lady tries to make small talk as i check in, i gave simple answers like "it was a nice day" and "mhm". As i entered the elevator i remembered i have to work a night shift tonight, stepping out and walking to my door, i take my shoes off as i enter and walk to my room, looking in my closet and deciding on the bottoms i was wearing and throwing on a plain white tee, grabbing my work apron, and checking my phone for the time. 6:59, i have to be at work at 7:15, so if i leave now i should make it. Going back to my door, i grab a pair of black sneakers, putting them on and exiting, walking back to the elevator and leaving the building. As i walked down the street i had the feeling of someone following me, they seemed to be getting closer too

'Definitely female, shorter than me, seems a little on the buffer side' i ranted to myself in my head, trying not to make it obvious i was paying any attention to my follower. They kept getting closer.

As soon as they went to jump at me i spun and kicked them back into the alley next to me, blocking the way out of the alley, i started getting a little nervous. I wasn't going to use my quirk, seeing as i was tired and it makes my throat sore, and if this was a villain, i was shit outa luck, i wasn't the strongest person physically, but i could hold my own...

"...damn, kid..." the person winces as they stand, some of the street light catching her face.

"..." my eyes are deceiving me at this rate.

"I was just gunna give ya a little spook, but goddamn..." Hokai says as she puts a hand to her stomach, where i had just punted her.

"...i-" i start, trying to find words, eyes wide as saucers "...didn't had...night patrol..." i manage to whisper as she walks towards me patting me on the shoulder, "it's cool kid! You got the makings of a great hero if you're that on gaurd!" She claims, "...i just kicked my idol..." i whisper, mostly to myself. "Hahaha! Kid you're really something, but, um... you headed somewhere important?" She askes, 'shit.' "Uh, yeah, i work at the convenience store a few more blocks away.." i state still frazzled from the encounter, "ah, well, don't wanna keep ya to long kid! See ya!" She says, continuing on her merry fucking way. "She needs to learn not to jump paranoid people." I bluntly state to myself

Another time skip -brought by my arms continuously going numb whilst typing all this on my phone-

Sanshi's POV -------------------------------

I had clocked in a minute late but my boss was one of those, 'i don't give a fuck as long as you show up, if ya don't? I don't have to fucking pay ya.' Kinda people, work at this store was shitty as fuck, and i usually work every evening, but since i started school yesterday i had to work overtime, and a night shift. I hated working at night, but it did keep me distracted enough from my thoughts and shit, it also paid my bills, so i was in no position to complain. Was i going to anyways? Yep.

It was probably 2 or 3 in the morning when i heard the bell to the door ding, indicating someone had entered. Turning to the counter i put on my cashier voice

"Hello! Welcome to J-mart, how may i help you today?" I said cheerily, "put all the cash in the bag, and no one gets hurt." The man said as he pointed a gun at one of the children with her mother in the store. "Listen. Sir. I have no idea what you expect to be in this register, but i can tell you now, it's not going to do you any fucking good if your after a big buck." I stared coldly at him with his bag on the counter, gun still pointed at the child, now cowering behind her mother as she got into a defensive position around her daughter. "Just put the money in the fucking bag you bitch!" He yelled pointing the gun at me this time. "..." i just stare at him, his hand is trembling, i assume he's not used to getting stood up to like this, he seems pretty young if i'm honest, from what i can see he has black hair, it's sorta spiked, and he has weird burn acars on his face. "Don't make me kill you!" He yells again. I grab the gun barrel and take it from him, quite easily infact, and that seems to make him somewhat angry, "i will not have you come into this store just to be a nuisance. Either leave, or i'm calling the cops boy." I raise my voice slightly, making him flinch, eyes wide, "...Don't. Call. Me. Boy." the next thing that happens is i see a blue flame protrude from his left hand, the one previously holding the gun, i hum, making the fire dissipate, and surprising the guy even further. "I've already called the cops dude. Give up. You're quirk is bullshit." I state bluntly, seemingly unaffected by his robbery attempt.

He takes a running start out the door, and disappears behind the corner, i throw the gun in the trash can and go around the counter to check on the girl and her mother

"Apologizes ma'am, i'm sorry you and your daughter got caught in that." I say softly, helping the lady up as she picks up her daughter, "it's ok dear, thank you so much for distracting him from us!" She says, bowing profusely, "it's my job ma'am, no need to bow" i add, "you're free to let your daughter pick something, it's on the house!" I again say softly, trying not to scare the crying girl, 'goddamnit. Why do i have to be so terrifying.' I ask myself

The little girl calmed down and picked a small bag of gummies, then the mother paid for the rest of her stuff and left

I hadn't actually called any authority on the guy, i know what it's like to struggle... having to do bad things so you can survive... i would've talked to him... but he seemed too far gone for that... he pointed a fucking gun at an innocent child. I hate people like that.

I was spooked out of my own thoughts by my boss tapping on my shoulder, he had gotten back from the errand he went to run, "time to clock out Ikaru." He bluntly stated, the smoke from his cigarette filling my nose making me cringe, walking to the clock out desk, i did my thing and left. The sun was just starting to come up, seeing as it was now 5:30 am, deciding to do a light jog back to my apartment i pick up my pace, pulling out my phone when i stop at a road letting cars pass. Seeing a few notifications from Tai

Golden Boy 6:24
-Heya! You home yet?

Missed a call from Golden Boy 6:24

Golden Boy 6:24
-Hello? Darlin?

Golden Boy 7:06
-I'm getting worried sanshi...
-Is it alright to send hokai to find you?

Golden Boy 7:20
-Thank god, darlin, i thought you'd gone missin or something. Sorry for worrying so much 😅
-message me when you're off work please

Golden Boy 10:58
-Heya darlin! I'm going to bed, i hope you sleep well when you get home!

Me 5:42
-i just got off work, i'll be asleep till like noon, don't worry your ass off
-also, did hokai tell you what i did to her?
-if not, i ended up fucking punting her into an alleyway

Turning off my phone as the light signals me to walk, i continue my jog home

Toyomitsu Taishiro (Fatgum) X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang