Chapter 1

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Hello friends! This is Araina 👋 with another cricketing fanfiction and as you all know, the hero of this tale is none other than the young rigjt handed batsman from India, Shreyas Iyer 🥰

I would like thank all those who like the concept of the story and added it to their list just by the introduction. I love you all

This story is going to be a little experimental and different from my other two cricketing fanfictions, 'Prejudiced' and 'Overlooked'. The story would primarily follow a first person narrative from Ashita's P-O-V but would at times be accompanied by a third person narrative written in an Italic font. There will also be a concept of flashbacks through artistically framed representations in BOLD letters.


The world slipped off my hand that day.
'Let me go!' I screamed as they held me tight. They were taking the two most important people away from my life.

'Mom! Dad!' I screamed trying to get off their cruel grips. 'Where are they taking them? Let me go!' I begged. I remembered a neighbor Rasika buya hugging me tight.

'Sshhh... Anshi, my dear.. you have to strong. Your parents are no more.' she said in a sympathetic tone.

I was frozen. 'You are lying! This can't be. They just went to work this morning..' I said, as tear rolled down my eyes. 'I don't believe this. How would I live without...'

'Anshi..!' a familiar voice called and my blurred eyes fell on my elder sister Tushika, who got married just two months ago.

'Didi..!' I cried and ran towards her.

'Anshi..' didi held me in her arms.

'Everything is over, didi. They left us. They left me. They are taken for the last rites. Nothing is left in my life, didi.' I cried.

Didi's sobs weren't unheard too. She has come from Matunga after hearing of the tragic accident. By the time she reached Pune, everything was over.

'Don't say like that Anshi. I'm there for you. Your didi is there for you.' she said.

'Tushi!' My jiju emerged from behind his wife. 'I think I'll be needed for the last rites. You take care of Anshi.' he said, before following the traumatic vehicles with his car.

Days passed and gradually, maternal as well as paternal uncles started leaving the house. They all were concerned about me. What would the 16 years old girl do in this big house all by herself?

I was neither rational nor matured enough to realize my stand at that moment. Often and on, I'd hear relatives trying to convince one another of taking my responsibility but nobody did.

Didi was just married. She, too was only 21 years old when she got married to Vanraj Mishra, a 26 years old system analyst at INFOSYS. Even though jijaji seemed to be that husband every girl prays for, didi's in-laws and particularly her mother-in-law developed a strange antipathy for didi for last one month. Mom was aware of that and was really worried for didi.

One day I heard her sob beside me as we slept in the bed we had slept for years. She thought I was asleep but I wasn't.

She ran her hands over my head and whispered, 'Anshi, your sister is so unfortunate. She cannot stand by you when you need her the most. I'm so sorry, Anshi.' she said and rushed away from the room.

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