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it's saddening to see that this final note is the last time ill ever post this banner for aghast edition and the last time ill write in this book

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it's saddening to see that this final note is the last time ill ever post this banner for aghast edition and the last time ill write in this book. this book has been a part of my life for 4 months now, and i've never been more grateful for those four months. but who knows! maybe this book will have a revival era in the far future, but don't take my word for it. i doubt i will, but the world is endless, and sometimes my ideas are like that.

when i started writing in july, i never planned on this story becoming as big as it did. getting to 100 reads was shocking. getting to 300 had me in disbelief. reaching one thousand, i cried. i thought that my work was really shitty despite me pouring my heart into it. to know that two thousand of you (at the time of finishing) had read this is mindblowing.

i wrote this story purely out of reading so many works and wanting to see what it would be like as an author rather than a reader. i had read so many stories and wanted to give it a shot, not expecting to finish what i started. i expected this to do so poorly i would have to archive it and pretend i never made this story at all.

but you, the reader, caused me to keep going.

thank you for actually taking the time to stick with me until i finished it, whether you were one of the first few readers to read the prologue or the few people who read chapter twenty. or maybe this is your first time reading! welcome, if that's the case. you, as cliche and cheesy as it sounds, are the reason i keep writing.

thank you for the comments on my chapters, saying how my shit writing is something you guys enjoy. its hard to believe that something you spent a few months into is actually good, and i really am thankful for those of you who enjoyed this story. reading comments is the highlight of my days when i feel like deleting and starting over.

thank you for voting, though numbers really don't matter to me. i'm glad you as a being read my work and thought that it was worth the simple vote.

i genuinely hope you stick with me for my other creations. thank you for adding my story to your reading lists, it's really sweet seeing that :]

aghast edition has shown me that my writing holds meaning to people. i hope in the future my writing gets significantly better so when i look back ill cringe in a good way, if that makese sense.

thank you for reading, truly, and for staying by my side.

**update! if you once read this story and there was a bonus chapter titled girlfriend you're on in five, that chapter has moved to my book titled the cut-out! that book has more blurbs and items in that story <3**

**update! if you once read this story and there was a bonus chapter titled girlfriend you're on in five, that chapter has moved to my book titled the cut-out! that book has more blurbs and items in that story <3**

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