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THE DOOR MOVED FAST – faster than what Geto expected from a man in his position. The three others followed suit, giving the sorceress very little time to react, not that she needed much. Mikazuki had been a skilled fighter even before her exile, and it looked like her time in purgatory had only toughened her up more, if that was possible to begin with.

One person from the front and three from the back should have been hard to dodge, even for an experienced sorceress, yet Mikazuki didn't even blink, stepping out of the way at the same time the gold gathered around her, turning into a solid weapon which she grabbed mid-air.

The katana was familiar to Suguru, he'd seen it enough times to know it was made of her own blood, the gold solidifying so fast none of the Doors were able to see it. Mikazuki turned around, the blade of her nodachi slicing through the suit of one of the Doors before he stumbled back, red blossoming against the white of his dress shirt.

The other three didn't hesitate, pounding back to the sorceress in less than a second, but once again, Mikazuki had seen it coming long ago. The cracks on the sorceress' arms grew open, liquid gold pouring out of them at an alarming rate before turning into a malleable shield and stopping the impending attack.

Mikazuki grinned, watching as the Doors struggled against the sticky mass. The moment was quickly over, with the first Door who was still bleeding lunged forward, jumping on top of the sorceress and tumbling to the ground.

Mikazuki's head hit the concrete, the crack that was left of the ground a testament to just how heavy having pure gold inside your body could make her. Instead of being dazed out of her mind, the sorceress blinked away the dizziness, grabbing the Door by the wrist and flinging him to the side using the tendrils of her Endless to pull him away. The Door fell on top of a pile of trash bags and empty crates, wood shattering as his unconscious body hit the ground.

"You little bitch–" Another one of the Doors Cursed as he lunged towards her.

Mikazuki pushed herself off the ground, barely missing the attack and using the momentum to press her flat palm against the man's chest. The Door paused, his fate melting into an expression of pure fear and pain. He seized, liquid gold pouring out of his ears, nose and eyes before dropping to the ground, a heavy metallic sound echoing in the street as he fell.

"Two Doors down, two Doors to go." Mikazuki announced, wiping the gold which had once been blood from her cheek before heading towards the other two.

Despite the clear gap in power between the two, the Doors still refused to give up, joining their hands and expelling a burst of Cursed Energy. This time, the reaction was not nearly quick enough at the blast hit the sorceress quare in the chest, sending her flying backwards into the brick wall. Mikazuki slid down the wall, a trickle of golden blood spewing from her mouth before she quickly wiped it away.

Geto Suguru shuffled uncomfortably, his own Cursed Energy stirring at the sight. Despite the fight looking quite simple at a first glance, Mikazuki was clearly outnumbered, and, apparently, outpowered. I can't let her die. Whether that thought had been truly his or a remnant from the vessel he was currently inhabiting, he couldn't tell. The sorcerer looked down at his own hand, gathering Cursed Energy on his palm until a small ball of glowing power appeared, however, before he could intervene, Mikazuki's laugh echoed in the night.

"Really?" The sorceress teased as she stood up from the ground and dusted her knees. "Is this all you've got? All Léa could gather up in short notice?" She spat on the ground, spit mixed with golden blood. "Pathetic."

Geto froze the moment the word fell from her lips, the tone reverberating into his bones like a bullet ricocheting off the walls. It wasn't the word in itself what paralyzed him to his core, but the way she said it. Like it was a Curse, a weapon she could wield just like the gold pouring from her arms or her sword, like a living breathing thing she'd willed into existence.

The two Doors stared, both just as puzzled as Geto himself, that strange feeling settling back into the pit of his stomach. It was a warning of what was to come, but the sorcerer found himself unable to look away. Mikazuki cackled, the sound rising into the air like the embers of a well-lit fire.

The sorceress put her hands together, the movement familiar yet strange at the same time. It was something the real Suguru recognized, something that was so rooted into his memories it hit him like a train. He knew that hand sign, he committed it to memory after seeing it for the first – and last – time.

It was the signature move of Kinzoku Asahi, and Mikazuki had only used it once before, back when she was desperate enough to try it.

The truth was, she'd used it twice now – but that's something the sorceress wasn't ready to relive.

So, instead of dwelling in the memories of the past, Mikazuki shifted her fingers, letting the Cursed Energy release out of her body like a hollow bullet cutting through the air. The fight was over in an instant – as a matter of fact, it was over the moment she made that hand sign, but Suguru wasn't willing to think about that.

In less than a second, the two Doors were gone. Pulverized into a mist of blood, bones, entrails and muscle, all falling back against the pavement like rain, their bodies pulled apart like mere pieces of paper. This was the deadliest technique the Kinzoku had in their arsenal, and Mikazuki had summoned it like it was as simple as breathing, like it hadn't taken every ounce of Cursed Energy inside of her to create it.

The Golden Threads of Fate, a technique capable of ripping the opponent to shreds by using the gold in the fabric of reality. The ultimate killing technique.

The sorceress sighed, a private yet satisfied smile playing on her lips as she wiped the blood still splattered all over her face. 

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