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KINZOKU ASAHI SAT IN HIS OFFICE, the sound of rain pounding against the glass as he continued to scribble endlessly, the silver tip of his fountain pain scratching against the paper. The sorcerer didn't look up, not even when the door opened and a Window stepped into the room, his polished suit at least two sizes two big while his hair was slicked back with far more gel than necessary.

Asahi paused, his golden eyes trailing on the ground and noting the man's perfectly waxed shoes. He was probably the heir of one of the lesser clans, someone who didn't have enough cursed energy to become a sorcerer but who could still be useful to The Magistrate.

"Asahi-sama." The Window greeted, his voice shaky as he addressed one of the most powerful men in the Jujutsu society.

Said man finally deigned to look the Window in the eye, the unsettling stillness of his golden stare intimidating enough to make the man waver, lips quivering while he tried to adjust the crooked tie he wore. Asahi sighed, putting the paperwork aside and glaring at the boy – because, to him, he was nothing but a young boy.

"Well, are you going to speak or continue to stare at me like a retarded?" The Kinzoku clan head asked calmly, his voice just as serene.

The boy stuttered before finally regaining his bearings. He stepped forward, holding out a letter, the seal of The Magistrate imprinted in red wax at the front. Asahi stared at the letter, recognizing both the stamp and the stained paper, the black colour of it just another sign of what its contents would bear.

There was a beat of silence in which neither of them said a single word. Asahi continued to stare at the letter, half expecting the thing to jump from the Window's hand and eat trough the invisible gold barrier that surrounded him at all times. Part of Asahi wished he didn't recognize the familiar appearance of it, but this wasn't the first time he received such a letter.

The first one had been nearly twenty-eight years ago, the day the twins were born, a half-assed apology from The Magistrate and a string of black hair attached to the bottom of it, whatever was left of his eldest son apparently unretrievable, even by Jujutsu standards.

The next one was a decade later, the name of his daughter inked into the paper along with a string of unintelligible words and another apology – this one was genuine though, considering Mikazuki wasn't the one who was dead.

"How?" Asahi asked, taking the letter in his hands yet refusing to open it right away.

The Window squirmed uncomfortably again, willing to look everywhere but at the man's face, not that anyone could blame him, Asahi's wrath was not something any sorcerer wanted to face. Tales of his unadulterated fury had plagued the Jujutsu society for as long as the man had been the head of the Kinzoku clan – everyone was well aware of the monster that dwelled within him. The Window swallowed past the lump in his throat.

"The details are still in the air, but paramedics at the scene believe it to have been the work of a special-grade curse."

A curse. Of course Kinzoku Keisuke would eventually be taken down by the same creatures he hunted. Asahi almost wanted to laugh, crumbling the letter in his hand and watching as a thin layer of ice-cold gold coated the object. The Window couldn't help but gape at the sight in front of him, both marvelled and utterly frightened at the display of power. He'd seen Kinzoku clan members using Endless before, but never to such an extent and so effortlessly as Asahi, his cursed energy curling around the letter until it was completely swallowed by the gold.

The man was truly a monster – the kind that only lived in children's books and under their beds, people always too afraid to check.

The gold receded just as quickly as it had appeared. Asahi's expression remained blank, he simply leaned back against his plush leather chair while he pulled out an old letter-opener. Just like everything else in his office, it was coated in gold, too. The Window looked around nervously, feeling the ambience in the room shifting into the sort of dangerous atmosphere he already was familiar with.

"Is there anything else I should know?" The Kinzoku asked, opening the letter to reveal exactly what he guessed would be inside. "Any details you've left out?"

The Window didn't miss the threat hidden within those words, so he quickly nodded, fidgeting with the buttons on his sleeves.

"Actually, there was something else..." He paused, unsure on whether he should continue or not.

If it were anyone else, the Window would have done as The Magistrate asked and spare the parent of the most gory details, but the man in front of him was not any sorcerer – he was Kinzoku Asahi, and the Window doubted he even had a soul at this point. No man with a soul would react like this to the death of his eldest living son. Still, the Window cracked his knuckles nervously before finally speaking up again.

"His stuff was laid out next to him very neatly; his glasses, a notepad and his wallet as well as other meaningless items." The Window's gaze flickered from Asahi to the letter. "All the evidence points to this being a– a case of suicide by curse."   

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