thirty two

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The baby Demogorgon was trapped away, giving the time for Flora and Dustin to recount everything that happened the November prior, explaining all that Carnelia didn't know.

She obviously believed them, having already known something was up with Hawkins.

Flora had sent Dustin to wait in the car after he removed the hockey gear, giving some time for Carnelia to clear some more things up for the still confused Flora.

"So, uh, how much contact have you had with my parents?" Flora asked slowly, a frown on her face.

"Barely any. All that we've had was the letter explaining where they were and how they wanted someone to be here since lab activity increased recently." Explained Carnelia.

"Do you know where they are?" Flora then asked, getting a shake of the head in return. "So, you're saying they actually care?"

"Of course they do, they're just cowards." Expressed Carnelia. Flora then began making her way to her car, Dustin impatiently yelling into his walkie in the passenger seat.

Flora climbed inside, listening to Dustin trying to contact Lucas, Mike, or Will, yelling about a code red.

Carnelia moved to the passenger side of the car, staring down at Dustin. She opened the car door, glaring at the younger boy. "Move, Kid. Youngest in the back."

Dustin barely glanced at Carnelia. "I was here first."

Before they could begin arguing, Flora stared down the pair. "Lia, go in the back. It saves time." She then turned to Dustin. "Where to, kiddo?"

"The Wheeler's. Their line has been blocked for the last two hours."

Flora checked the time, seeing that the day had passed rather quickly. Dustin had called just before noon, and it was now past three.

This led Flora to be speeding through the streets of Hawkins, making her way to the Wheeler residence. Once they were there, Dustin made his way to the front door, the Emeries in tow.

He began banging on the door, being answered by Ted Wheeler.

"Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr. Wheeler." Dustin began, scowling. "Do you realize this?"

Ted chuckled, yet his tone was still rather monotonous. "Oh, I do realize."

Dustin rolled his eyes. "Is Mike home?"

"No." Was all the older man could say.

"No? Well, where the hell is he?" Dustin questioned, frustration rising.

Ted leaned back, yelling into the house. "Karen, where's our son?"

Flora heard the woman's voice yelling a response. "Will's!"

"Will's." Ted repeated.

Dustin sighed, "No one's picking up there."

Flora leaned forward, placing her hand on the open doorframe. "Nancy. What about Nancy?"

"Karen, where's Nancy?" Ted leaned back again, needing to ask his wife where his own children were.

"Ally's!" Was what Flora heard from the distance.

"Ally's." Ted again repeated his wife. "Our children don't live here anymore.
You didn't know that?"

"Seriously?" Carnelia spoke up, having stayed quiet during most of the interaction.

Ted only sighed. "Am I done here?"

Dustin scoffed, beginning to walk away. "Son of a bitch. You're really no help at all, you know that?"

Ted leaned past the door, looking at Dustin. "Hey! Language."

Flora and Carnelia were still stood at the door, the latter looking at Ted with a void expression. "He's right you know."

As the three began to leave, Flora's eyes locked on to a very familiar car, the driver even more familiar.

She left Dustin and Carnelia, skating over to where Steve Harrington was coming from his car, a bouquet of roses in hand. He was mumbling to himself, to caught up in it to notice Flora in front of him, skating backwards as he spoke.

"Listen...I've been thinking...I love you. I'm sorry." His tone then changed  entertaining Flora. "I'm sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?"

"You shouldn't be sorry for anything." Flora spoke, stopping and grabbing Steve's shoulders to stop him as well.

"Hey Stevie."

Steve's eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

Flora scoffed. "Irrelevant. You shouldn't try and apologise to Nancy. It's her who should apologise." Flora complained as Dustin and Carnelia made their way to the duo.

"Steve." Dustin greeted, Carnelia only waving with a smile. He beckoned to the roses the older boy was holding. "Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?"

Steve was visibly confused. "No."

"Good." Dustin grabbed the roses from Steve, instead passing them to Flora.

"Hey. What the hell? Hey!" Steve complained, yet didn't take them from Flora.

"Nancy isn't home." Flora informed softly, eyes on the roses now in her hands.

"Where is she?" Flora shrugged at Steve's words, not actually knowing where, as Ally's was probably a lie.

"Doesn't matter." Carnelia shrugged, "We have bigger problems than your love life."

"Do you still have that bat?" Dustin then questioned, temporarily confusing Steve.

"Bat? What bat?"

"The one with the nails, y'know, the bat." Flora grinned to Steve, who now knew what Dustin was on about.


"I'll explain it on the way." Dustin began, making his way to Steve's car.

"Now?" Steve raised his eyebrows.

"Now!" Dustin repeated. "We'll go to Flora's first to dump her car and the flowers so we're all in the same car!" Dustin yelled as he sat in Steve's car, the younger Emery trudging off to Flora's car as she stood beside Steve.

"He's very demanding." Steve noted, referring to Dustin.

"Incredibly." Flora agreed. She then looked down at the flowers. "Were you really gonna try and get back with Nancy after everything she said?"

Steve hesitated. "I don't know, I just feel like I owe something to her. For being a shitty boyfriend." Steve muttered, eyes on Flora.

"You, Steve Harrington, are not a shitty boyfriend. Never were, never will be. You are all a girl deserves and more." Flora smiled.

"Yeah?" Steve asked slowly, a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah." Flora confirmed, beginning to make her way to her car.

"Keep the roses." Steve called as he, too, made his way to his car.

Once Flora was in her car, she placed the roses on the dashboard and began to drive, Steve following as she drove to her home.

"You're in love with him." Carnelia assessed, her eyes on her cousin.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Flora rolled her eyes.

"I do." Carnelia argued. "He never looked at Nancy the way he looks at you. I thought it was you that was dating him when I first came here, not Nancy."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Flora repeated, her voice stern.

Her cousin was not the first to think she was in love with Steve. She couldn't be- not only would it be weird because of Nancy and girl code, it would be weird because it had always been Flora and Steve, not Flora and Steve.

But, thinking back at all the looks, the touches, maybe they were right. Maybe there was something between them.

But would Flora ever realise that on her own? Definitely not.

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