
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jin felt it wrong to have a Mandalorian accompany them to their peace talks with the Trade Federation who were currently holding a blockade over Naboo, what he didn't expect was to see a 12-year-old who many in the Order respected, and adored. It went without saying, that if wounds between Mandalore and the Republic let alone the Jedi were ever to heal, this young woman was the key to it "Master Gin, Padawan Kenobi it has been too long," the young woman greeted.

He and his padawan bowed slightly to the young Mandalorian "Indeed it has Lady Ordo," he greeted.

Revana Ordo had only been 2 standard years old when he had first crossed paths with her, and the girls still shinned so brightly in the force. Qui-gon felt the force sing around her and knew it was by the will of the Force that she was to be with them. She wore mostly gleaming silver beskar except where the visor sat, it was outlined in Red. Though he was a little curious as to what the color represented. Once they were aboard the ship Revana removed her helmet, she was growing in beauty also "Lady Ordo," he asked

"Yes, Master Jin," she replied

"I apologize, but I was lead to believe that Armor was for ceremonial practice," he said

"It is for the most part, but we still have to learn how to wear the pieces, as well as discover our colors," Revana said with an air of diplomacy for one her age, "I have already had one revealed to me, which is the red around my visor to honor my father who marched shortly after my birth,"

"So the color on armor represents something?" he asked.

Revana nodded "It represents who the person is, of course, colors can change in time as a person grows in wisdom," she said, "But many colors you will find mean different things, though Death Watch lost their way and used many of the colors to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, many don't understand what many of the colors represent."

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement "I remember Satine and your mother speaking about colors and their meanings,"

Revana nodded "There are a total of 22 colors that have meaning to Mandalorian culture regardless if you are a True Mandalorian, Traditionalist, or New Mandalorian. Each color is often revealed in time, many chose colors that they believe the best suit them. Gray represents mourning a lost love or family member; this is the main color of my mother's armor, the next is Red that represents honoring a parent or leader; in my case my father. Black represents Justice, Gold represents vengeance, Green represents duty, and Blue represents Reliability, which is the second color of my mother's armor." Revana began.

Qui-gon nodded listening closely to Revana's explanations of the 22 colors that Mandalorians painted their armor "Orange represents a lust for life or freedom, White which is the Dutchess's primary color of her armor represents the Cin Vhetin; which means a fresh start, or purity. Purple represents Luck. Pink respected or respecting someone. Brown represents valor. Maroon which is a brownish red represents power. Erin which is a light green and is the second color of Satine's armor represents a lust for peace. Scarlet or crimson represents Defiance or Relentlessness. Silver represents seeking redemption, but this is unpainted beskar, which hides my sensitivity against those who would wish me harm, I have no redemption to seek."

Qui-Gon nodded "Beskar is said to nullify Force abilities," he said

"I have been taught how to conceal myself without it, this armor once belonged to my father, and way before my father Canderous Ordo," Revana said

"Mand'alor the Preserver, that would mean you are the Mandalorian's Chosen one," Obi-Wan said in awe.

Revana nodded "Though I don't wish to have that burden upon my shoulders anytime soon, I am not ready to lead, I saw what leading has done to Satine at such a young age."

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