The Jail

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Police grabbed the wife,husband,and child. They were put in jail. "Why are y'all doing this?" "So y'all get eaten." "Have y'all lost y'all's minds!?" "It's for the best." "We all are trying to survive this together" said the husband. "If you let us go we'll be good and nothing will go wrong." "Ok,we'll let ya'll go" said the police. Zombies started to bang on the door to the station. A zombie bung its head through the glass of the door. Zombies stepped in. "Oh,crud." The police and the husband took out their guns and started shooting. Bullets flew into the zombies' heads. A police put down his gun. A zombie walked slowly over to him and bit his neck. The police was a zombie. He attacked the other police. The police shot a bullet through his head. The police pointed his gun to the husband. A zombie sneaked up behind the police and bit him in the head. The police was a zombie. He walked over to the husband,ripped the bars to the cell off, and attacked him onto the floor. He tried to bite his neck but the husband covered his neck with his hands. The zombie tried to bite his head but the husband covered it. He took his gun,shot the zombie in the head, and stood up. The floor was stained with blood,dead zombies and glass were everywhere. The husband stepped out of the cellar.

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