Most people do not know this place exists except for a select few.

One side of these people are known as researchers. Their task is to watch over, study, and help what's in the White Room.

Another side is instructors, they engage in the tasks in the White Room, they hold the job of making sure that what's in the White Room continues doing the task assigned, and to punish them if they fail.

The last side is Donators, they are people that fund the money for the White Room, they do annual checkups to make sure they aren't wasting their money.

What's in the White Room you may wonder.

Subjects, though these subjects had names, they were merely referred to by numbers, as if the names that were given to them to signify their differences as humans were stripped away.

The researchers make sure the subjects soar and do not hit their limit.

But it was impossible, none of the subjects had the same ambition that Atsoumi had.

None of them were geniuses.

Except for one.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Atsoumi's own son was put into the White Room by his orders and has been there for 14 years.

The White Room had generations, these generation's were filled with subjects born in that year, Kiyotaka was in the fourth generation.

The fourth generation was like no other, it was the most strict and grueling generation to date, despite the subject in that generation being exceptionally gifted compared to other generations, many would fall down and disappear inside the White Room.

Except Kiyotaka.

Although Atsoumi was not a genius, his son was, he excelled in the intellectual tests inside the White Room, and the physical ones.

All of the staff inside the White Room had high hopes for Kiyotaka.

He was the one who was going to make Atsoumi's wish come true, and he is the one who will forever keep excelling, as if he had no limit.

But there was one problem.

Kiyotaka had usually high pheromones with the opposite sex.

At first Atsoumi thought of it as nothing but children being attracted to the popular guy.

But one day when a certain subject turned 8, a massive adjustment was made in the fourth generation.


It was a certain subject birthday, it was the day she turned 8.

Subject 4-0-3, Nagisawa Yuki, she was an energetic girl, known throughout the fourth generation as the easy going kind who would help the ones who would fall behind in their tests.

She was also one of the only subjects who would try and get close to Kiyotaka.

Despite her best efforts Kiyotaka would just push her away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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