Chapter 24: Stop acting like a kindergartener

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Iida straitened his glasses and blinked. "You should not yell while the teacher is trying to teach."

I growled and turned back to face the front of the room, where Present Mic was staring at us in disbelief. He turned back to the blackboard and continued his lecture but another thump against my chair irritated me. For the sake of the class, I tried, I really tried to ignore Iida. After five minutes of him bumping something into my chair, I turned around again and hissed, "Are you kidding me? You are being so childish right now! Knock whatever you're doing off!"

He smirked and lifted an eyebrow that clearly said, What are you going to do to stop me? I rolled my eyes and my shoulders as I focused my flames into my back and spread my firey wings, singeing Iida's notes and sending him toppling backward to avoid my flames. I smirked at the indignified screech he let out as he fell.

Present Mic looked back over at us. "What is going on? You two are normally two of my best-behaved students!"

"Sorry, I didn't realize how close the desks were to each other. I just needed to stretch my wings for a minute." I refused to look back at Iida, but hopefully, he would leave me alone.

Present Mic sighed and eventually finished his lecture. He gave us a little bit of free time before the next class. Uraraka glared at me past Iida. "You bitch! Why were you disrupting class?"

I laughed. "I was disrupting class? How about you tell your boyfriend to not kick someone's chair like a kindergartener? Maybe then there won't be a disruption in class!"

"Really? I doubt he started it! You seem to be doing everything to attract problems!"

I knocked over my seat as I quickly rose to my feet. "I'm attracting trouble?!" My voice rose as I stepped forward. "I haven't done anything to actively attract trouble!"

Kirishima jumped out of his seat and wrapped his arms around me to prevent me from lunging at Uraraka.

Aizawa entered the room and cleared his throat. "Class, settle down." He lectured for the entirety of the class period, barely giving us time to jot down the notes. Rain pelted the windows and thick grey clouds blocked out all the sunlight. As the bell rang he looked up from the whiteboard. "Hearth, could you stay a moment?"

I nodded and slipped my last book into my bag as I walked to his desk. "Yes, sir?"

He sighed. "You sure are a problem child, aren't you? Well, Midnight informed me about what happened last night, and I wanted to let you know that I couldn't stop her from informing all of your teachers." I felt my stomach sink. "Which is mostly a good thing so that they know to look after you, but unfortunately, it also means that All Might will likely make snide remarks."

I nodded and scowled at the floor. "I know he will."

Aizawa patted my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay. I will do everything to help you. Present Mic is going to join me and All Might during training today. That way, I can spend more time correcting his behavior."

I cracked a smile and nodded. "Sounds good."

Mina latched onto my arm again as soon as I stepped into the hall. "Come on! I'm starving!" She pulled me to the lunch room. "Have you thought about who you might take a work-study with?"

"I don't know. I'm actually pretty busy with..." My foot caught on what felt like someone's foot and I fell face first into the food on my tray. People around laughed as I sat upright and wiped the rice and curry off my uniform.

Mina leaned next to me and hurried to pick up the dishes that had tumbled off my tray. "Come on! Let's hurry and sit with our crew!"

The intercom squealed to life as one of the office staff spoke. "Will Cyra Hearth please report to Principle Nezu's office? I repeat, will Cyra Hearth please report to Principle Nezu's office?"

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