After Practice

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Lev ran down the hall to catch up with Yaku

Lev: Wait up Yaku-San
Yaku: hm?
Lev: I was wondering if I could walk to class with you I needed someone to talk to and well my class is the same way as yours
Yaku: oh then sure I guess...
Lev: And I'm sorry I know I already asked you this but. Are you sure you're okay?
Yaku: yeah I'm okay....
Lev: okay, but uh are we still doing receiving practice today 
Yaku: if you want...
Lev: yeah I  want to and I was wondering if maybe we could go like 30 minutes over so I can get even better and maybe we could get dinner together and walk home together as well if your okay with it of course
Yaku: I mean yeah we can it's my turn to lock up today so it's fine and we can do that if you'd like I'm okay with it
Lev: Okay Thanks Yaku-san
Yaku: O-oh we're at my classroom
Lev: oh okay  see ya Yaku-San!

Lev gives Yaku a bright smile

Yaku: o-okay s-see you later Lev...

Levs POV: oh he called me Lev without Kuroo forcing him to

Yaku then walks into the classroom as Lev continued his walk to his own classroom

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