ooo u want to read this so bad oooo

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i meant to get this done sooner, but it's hard to write with one hand only.

don't enjoy. in fact, suffer.


"Lick it clean."

As if reading the disbelief in his eyes, a third ping came with another note to confirm he didn't misread anything: "Lick it clean, now."


Philza looked back and forth between the screen and the semen stains dripping down the fridge.
Had he misread the text? He checked again, but the message remained the same. Did his refrigerator just gain sentience? No way, that would actually be ridiculous. Was a Samsung™ worker messing with him? "Oh, god, did a Samsung worker see me nut all over the fridge!?" he panicked for a second. Philza flushed in embarrassment, his wings wrapped around him attempting to cover his face and lower body.
"There's no way! That's- that would be illegal!"
Uncovering his face, he reread the note. The fridge did have to be cleaned, I mean, he wasn't going to leave it like that anyway...
With a huff, Philza zipped his pants and got up. There was a cloth in the middle of the island kitchen that he hadn't noticed before, so he grabbed it and kneeled back down in front of the refrigerator. However, something in him had flipped a switch, and he couldn't raise the cloth from his lap. He felt he wasn't able to go against what the fridge asked of him, like he has to submit to the fridge and obey its commands.

And it asked him to *lick* it clean.

Hesitantly, he lowered his head to the level of the stain and pressed his tongue against the cold metal and his warm cum. His cum. Embarrassment flushed his face red before questioning why was he doing this; licking his own semen off a fridge, an odd situation to say the least. The worst part is that he was a bit into it. Well, a bit more than he would ever admit. "Jesus, what is actually wrong with me?..." he asked himself, more than he already did daily.

Philza tried not to question the circumstances and continued with his task, diligently cleaning the surface and definitely not enjoying the warm salty fluids sliding down his throat.
It was in the middle of this that he felt the thin outline of a circle on the lower half of the very bottom drawer. How had he never noticed that before?
When he finished, he traced the outline with his thumb, wondering if it was an unfinished-to-carve logo or maybe a manufacturing mistake.

His questions were suddenly answered: with a series of mechanical sounds, the round panel sank a few millimeters and got pulled up to make way for the phallic object that popped out immediately after.

A metallic black 7.5-inch girthy cock protruded from the fridge in front of him and completely paralyzed his brain, accompanied by a ping that brought him back to reality.

The screen now read: "Fuck yourself on it".

"Okay, what the actual fuck?" he breathed out.
There was no second ping urging him this time, so he was left alone with his thoughts. "This is a dream, right? It- It has to be!"
He laughed just because he didn't know how to react to something so bizarre. The sound echoed in the night.
"If this is only a dream, then..."

Philza gripped the cold dick, feeling the shape and size in his hands, and noticed that it was gently vibrating with a quiet humming sound. It was so big. His lip tightly bit between his teeth, he indulged in the idea for a while as he stroked the long shaft, and felt as his own dick softly throbbed in response to his dirty ideas. Temptation clawed at him, and it started winning. Unconsciously leaning forward, his lips touched the cool tip, and later opened to wrap around it as his eyes fluttered close. The metal warmed against Philza's tongue, but the tip wasn't enough, he needed more.
Inch by inch, he introduced the length back and forth, back and forth. He let himself gag on it a few times, making sounds that he soon regretted.
His own dick was getting harder and he pulled away, leaving a light coating of saliva glistening on the surface.
"Would this be enough lubrication?" Philza wondered. It wouldn't be the first time that he's had something inside him, but the size of his dildo paled in comparison to this. Yet he felt he couldn't wait or waste time by going to get lube.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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Philza Minecraft x Samsung Smart Refrigerator (wip)Where stories live. Discover now