Chapter 24// Back down or Get Killed

Start from the beginning

"...I'll see you in the battlefield."

Haru's eyes trailed after her step as the door jingled one last time before everything falls into silence again. Her cup of coffee lay cold on the table. The blue eyes reflected coldness and deep void before reverting back to her usual calm. Outside a tall figure ran towards the shop and looked around.
"Haru! What happened?" Kazutora asked, shocked. Haru walked towards him and just put a hand on his shoulder.
"Please tell Takemichy to gather for a 1st Division Meeting," She stated, "Its important."
Kazutora stared in confused but obliged.
"Got it." He took one good look around the place and ran off. Haru stared after his figure before dumping the cup of coffee in the sink.
"Phase 3." She whispered, and walked out.





"Red Venom?" Takemichy said confused.
"Yep. That's an all-high schooler gang, about 18-19s. Made pretty recently, led by Yoshio Shinka, a wild 18-year old, always up for a fight and will not hestitate to break bones." Haru stated, her aura serious.
"And how do you know they're declaring war?" Takemichy asked.
Haru shifted her posture, still keeping eye contact." Yoshio has a little sis. Her name's Riko, and she doesn't need to life a finger in order to get one of the best men against us. She came by my shop and..caused trouble. She then declared war right after I confront her."
Everyone murmured in surprised. The afternoon sun quickly left the sky, leaving the group of middle schoolers alone at the Musashi Shrine. Haru winced in the cold breeze, causing Chifuyu to glance at her.
"So we just have to go against them!" Akkun said confidently.
"Yeah!!" Makoto screamed.
Haru sighed. "Thats not the worse thing yet. They specifically requested that only I go against them."
Everyone glanced at her in suprised.
"Whoa, what?"
"Hah!?" Chifuyu exclaimed. "Haru, you cant go by yourself by yourself!"
"Since its just a small scandal between me and Riko, no need for the full-gang." She sighed, stepping forward.
"Takemichy, I know that this is just a kid picking a fight with me but I need the First Division by my side." Haru said, gripping her fist. "You're right, I cant go against them by myself."
Akkun looked at her worriedly. "But we still need Mikey! Or Draken! 18-19 years-old against us middle schoolers wont stand a chance!"
"But we're not normal highschoolers, are we?" Haru pointed out and sighed. "If you dont agree, I'll go-"
"I'll go." Takemichy said, standing up, causing everyone to stare at him. "You're my friend and apart of First Division, Haru-san. I will help you when it comes to battling."
"I'm going with Takemichy!" Akkun said, with Makoto, Takuya and Yamagishi agreeing behind him.
"I'm with you wherever we go." Chifuyu said softly, holding Haru's hand.
"Anytime to kick asses." Kazutora said, gripping his fist in the other hand.
Haru stared at everyone in gratitude.
"Thank you, mina-san." She bowed politely.
"Fight take place in the same port as when we fought Tenjiku. 9:00, sharp," she stood up straight and stated. "Thank you everyone again."






The strong sound of motorcycles roared with bright lights flashing filled the area. Takemichy led the way as a group of people in black gang uniform followed closely behind him. In the sea of fully-black stood out small bits red. And blue. 
"Looks like they're all here." A gravelling voice echoed across the port, causing Haru to look up.
"Step out of the dark." She demanded.
The voice chuckled. "Ok, sweetheart."
 Chifuyu's forehead showed a little irk mark.
A tall figure with soft brown but messy hair stepped out. His amber eyes pierced into Haru's soul. His face wore a grin, radiating bloodlust and mystery. Behind him was of course, Riko.
"Didn't think you'd come, Haru~". Riko said, leaning on her brother's shoulder.
Haru scoffed. "I'm not one to back out." Riko stood up straight and smirked. 
"I'll leave them to you, nii-chan." She whispered, walking back to the darkness.
"Name's Yoshio.Who's this Haru that I need to fight?" He said, his voice rough and sly.
"Is that Riko's brother?" Kazutora asked.
"Seems so." Chifuyu answered.
"That's me." Haru stepped forward, bracing herself.
Yoshio raised an eyebrow. "A chick like you to fight me? That's outrageous. By the way, how come there's a whole gang of you? That's a bit unfair, isnt it? It's only fair if I bring out my own gang members..."
Behind him came 4-5 high schoolers, tall, buff and grinning evilly. Yoshio smirked at the First Division's confused faces.

Tigers and Moons // Kazutora x Oc / RAIKO  ~Where stories live. Discover now