Chapter 6 - Réunion

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A month had passed since the attack on the house and lots had changed in that time. Porsche had become more concerned with his brother's safely, worried that he would become a target. To try and prevent this, he had appointed bodyguards to watch over Porchay.

Pete had only recently awoken from his coma, much to everyone's relief, but was still needing to stay at the hospital until he could fully recover from his injuries.

Since the attack, Chay and Macau were able to see each other much more often due to both of their frequent visits with Pete while he was unconscious and had become closer because of it. As well as this, since that day Porsche and Vegas has stopped fighting as much, their shared affection for Pete and fear of losing him had brought them closer - not close enough to be considered friends but at least they weren't trying to kill each other constantly which was an improvement.

Additionally, both Macau and Porchay were going to start university together in a few days time. Porchay was studying music and Macau, economics.

"Do you know what they are 'discussing' in there?" Macau queried Chay, who was perched on a bench beside him. They were outside of Pete's room in the hospital waiting to be invited inside.

Their brothers had gone in to have a conversation with Pete and told the boys to wait outside without specifying what they were talking about or how long they would talk for. It had already been a while and they were both becoming more and more anxious.

Neither Porchay nor Macau had gotten to see Pete since he had woken up and both missed him incredibly which was only making them more impatient.

"How would I know?" Chay replied, rolling his eyes at the stupid question. But before Macau could come up with a come-back, the door to the room opened. They both jumped up from the bench to face the doorway. "You can come in now." Porsche said to them with a straight face. Both boys looked at each other before tuning back to Porsche. It felt as though they were getting called into the headmasters office for a punishment but walked through the door anyways.

As they laid eyes upon Pete's smiling face, they both ran up to give him a hug. "Oww, be careful, I'm still hurt." Pete said smiling, despite his words he was so happy to see the kids that the pain didn't affect his mood. "Sorry, bro." Macau said standing up from his hug to apologise. Porchay on the other hand refused to let Pete go and continued to hug him for a few minutes before finally letting the man's body leave his grip.

"I missed you so much, Pete. I was really worried about you." Chay said, tears swelling up in his eyes before he brushing them away with the back of his hand. "I'm very glad your okay now." "I'm happy to see you too kid. Both of you." Pete replied turning from Chay to Macau giving both a warm smile.

Now they had met with Pete, both Macau and Porchay wanted to know what their brothers had been discussing before they entered the room. So after a few minutes Macau finally queried Porsche and Vegas on the subject. "Well, what were you guys talking about just now?" Porsche looked to Vegas who nodded and they both turned to face their younger brothers.

"So, as you know, since the attack at the house I've been concerned with installing new precautions to lower the risk of anyone getting hurt like Pete again." Porsche said smiling at the boys who processed to look at each other, confused as to where he was going with this statement.

"Well Chay... " he continued, now addressing Porchay directly. "I know I've already assigned bodyguards to protect you but I'm concerned that it won't be enough. With you starting university soon, the bodyguards aren't allowed to enter the campus, it could be very dangerous for you being unprotected."

"Now me, Vegas and Pete have discussed it and we want you to start training so that you can learn to defend yourself and... " Porsche turned his attention to Macau "We want you to train him."

The boys looked at each other as if to check what they heard was correct. They quickly turned back to face the men and said "Him?" "Me?" simultaneously with an expression of complete confusion. Neither of them particularly disliked the idea they were just shocked that their brothers would agree on anything at all.

Vegas interjected, "It was actually Pete's idea." trying to defuse the situation unsuccessfully. "Pete?" both boys exclaimed, once again in sync. Pete adorned an awkward smile towards the boys while simultaneously pinching Vegas so hard the man even let out a small outburst of pain. "Well... I thought about it and Macau understands Porchay's situation better than any trainer could. It would make sense for you two to train together."

Before anyone could speak Macau stated "I'll do it." turning to the boy beside him for a response. After a few seconds of silence, "Okay, so will I, as long as it doesn't interfere with my studies." Chay said with a hint of hesitation in his voice hidden by a soft smile adorned on his lips.

After that, the five of them spent a little while working out a schedule and worked out a few other details before Porsche took Porchay home.

The boys would start their training tomorrow at the gym in the Minor family's mansion.

Sorry for the late update and boring chapter, the next chapter will be more exciting.

Also thank you for everyone who's commenting and voting I appreciate it a lot!

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