I get out of my hiding spot and begin to crawl towards the entrance, in hope to grab Connors weapon or even mine. Suddenly a clawed hand grabbed on to my leg and pulled me up.

A broken looking Bonny, with no face gripped on to my ankle , causing for the sound of cracks to be heard. I scream in agony, revealing where I was. William on the other hand was nowhere to be seen.

With my other leg, I kick the face of the animatronic, which gladly let go of my ankle, letting me to be free. I tried to crawl towards the other table, but was failing miserably due to my damaged leg.

In the corner of my eye, I see Connor had ran and grabbed the gun from the ground. He pointed it at Freddy and shot, hitting his left eye. Freddy screeched as he fell backwards.

"Fucking demons" he cursed, frustrated. I curse under my breath and began to crawl towards the main stage. A bullet hit right beside me, catching me by surprise. My body falls flat against the ground, giving up immediately.

"You can't run now, Y/n. It's your time to become a legend" he brushed his messy hair out of his face. "It doesn't have to be this way" I coughed my words out. Connor shook his head, his eyes shining. Everything started to muffled to me as I try to bring myself back to reality.

All of a sudden, my eyes spot behind Connor, William dragging his old spring trap suit. Even after the fire and all these years, it was still in stable condition. It was mouldy and very damaged but it still remained standing.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused at why William wasted his time dragging that piece of trash here. Then suddenly I realised what he was going to do. Genuis. William opened up the suit, revealing the dangerous spring locks.

He began to creep up behind Connor, grabbing a switchblade from his pocket. "Oh but it does have to be this, it's destiny" Connor exclaimed, pointing the gun towards my chest.

William stabs Connor in the shoulder, a curdling scream escaped his mouth. The brunette pulled on to Connor, ready to push him into the suit. Out of nowhere, Connor grabbed the switchblade from his shoulder rapidly, stabbing William in the hand.

William grunts, gritting his teeth as he grabs his hand back, falling on to his side. Connor points the gun at William and laughs cruelly. "It's over you psychopath" he angrily shouts. The moment stopped when the echoes of Foxy singing could be heard from down the hall.

Connor eyes widened as he tilted his head towards the sound. His body began to shake violently. "You monster, you created this awful thing. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't of gotten to my sister. He wouldn't of destroyed me and my family" Connor pointed at dark hallway.

William groans as he tries to sit himself up, a small smile curled on to his face. "They're not monster, they are creations looking to escape the nightmares that they received from people like us" he lift his shirt revealing his scars once again. Connor's mouth flung open in shock at Williams body.

Immediately after, Foxy's foot steps could be heard running down the hallway and into the room. He sprints towards Connor and leaps on to him, shoving his body into the spring trap suit set up by William.

The suit locks into Connor. The former detective begins to try rip the suit off him but unfortunately the spring trap suit had other plans. The spring locks closed due to the moisture of Connor's blood and sweat, pushing the Endoskeleton forward into him. The spring locks impaled Connor, a horrifying and deadly scream left his body.

Blood poured on to the ground, leaking the suit. I placed both of my hands over my ears trying to block out the tragic last screams of Connor. It ripped and haunted the halls of Freddy Fazbear's. I could only imagine how William felt after surviving .

After a few moments, Connor began to stop screaming and the Animatronic suit fell face flat beside Connors gun.

Chica came rushing into the room, ignoring William and I. They broke open into the suit, ripping pieces of plastic and silicon apart. Finally when they got to Connor's body, Chica began to devour at the deceased body.

Just like my dream from before.

William turned to look at me, relief and disgust covering his face. Before he could walk and comfort me, Chica stepped on the damaged gun by an accident, letting out a gunshot.

Time slowed down as I watched William face turn from relief to panic immediately. It was like in the movies, when the scene was meant to be slow to capture the moment.

Except this slowed moment was when the bullet was shot into my chest.

Hi guys I have decided to do two endings and use decide which to follow! Also the good ending has an extra small story from one of the other character point of view. I might do a question and answer with the characters themselves or even if u have question for me when this book ends! :)

Heartless (William Afton x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora