chapter seven: banned for lifetime

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Well tell her I said 'get well soon'"___________________________________________

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Well tell her I said 'get well soon'"

*Third person pov*

"Okay so once you feel the coin gets heat it means that the new meeting date is getting written on it" Hermione explained as they all took the coins.

"Wait you can make a potain charm?" A guy from ravenclaw asked "that's a N.E.W.T spell"

"Well yeah, I can" Hermione said shrugging shyly.

"How come you are not in ravenclaw with a brain like yours" he asked.

"Well the sorting hat saw that I would be better in Gryffindor so he put in it" Hermione said sarcastically.

She gave them the coins and they went out of the room.

"Well today was good" y/n said as they walked out of the room. "What's will be next, love?"

"We will start with 'studfy'" harry said "oh look at the time. Come on crystal, Ron, we have practice"

"Right, I completely forgot about it" y/n said, they said goodbye to Hermione and walked to the quidditch field.

"Well good thing we finished fast today" Ron said.

"In any case Angela will already just arrived, since she was also in the lesson" harry said as he and Ron entered the boys locker room and y/n entered the girls one.

"Will be more quick!!!" Angela shouted on the locker room.

"We are getting ready, ang! What did you expect?" Kate said wearing her gloves.

"Ok, but be quick!" Angela said "I will go shout at the boys"

"Yeah, you do that" y/n said changing into her quidditch shirt. And Angela passed her "what's up with her?"

"I guess she and Fred argued" Kate said shrugging. "But you already know her she is angry most of the time"

"Right" y/n said.

"So how are you and harry going" Ginny entered into the conversation who was pulling her hair into a ponny tail.

"We are doing fine, you and mat?" Y/n said.

"Oh he is such a softie! I mean it, he is like a little child" Ginny said smile from on the ear to the other.

"Well that's a shocker" Kate said.

"Oh come on, don't judge a book by its cover" Ginny said

"Now you sound like Hermione" y/n said done getting ready "I guess we need to go because Angela come and kill us"

They three girls went out to the field and after minutes the boys came out and they started training.

"Ron just concentrate, okay" Angela said "crystal get ready to throw the quaffle"

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