chapter ten: strange class

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"You think?!"


*Y/n's pov*

The next day me, Harry, Ron and Hermione went down for breakfast.

"Potter! Ooooooo demantors" malfoy said from the corner of the hall way.

"Hey malfoy! You know what happens when Louis Vuitton steps on a snake! Shut the hell up or you will find out!" I shouted to him.

Malfoy looked embarrassed and his face went red. I smirked at her and went to the gryffindor table and my friends following me.

"Damnit you are brilliant!" Ron said as we sat.

"Third year schedules" Fred said giving us the papers.

"What is up Harry" George asked Harry.

"Malfoy" Ron answered.

"Forget it harry" Fred said.

"He was terrified yesterday on the train" George said.

"Nearly wet himself" Fred continued.

"Really?" I said smirking. "That will help"

"Oh crystal! Tomorrow there will be a prank wanna join?" Fred asked.

"Count me in. Who?" I said looking at my schedule.

"Fitch" the twins said as I nodded in agreement.

"Hermione I think there is something wrong with your schedule and your too crystal" Ron said looking at Hermione's paper.

"What of course not" Hermione said.

"But look divination at 1:00 p.m, Arithmancy is also at 1:00 p.m. I mean I know you both are great but no one is that great to be at two places at once" Ron said frowning.

"Oh really I will go check it with professor McGonagall" Hermione said "pass the marmalade"


"Drop it Ronny" I said passing Hermione the marmalade jar. "we should get going. the livintion class takes 10 minutes to get to it."

"Welcome to Divination," said Professor Trelawney, who had seated herself in a winged armchair in front of the fire. "My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. I find that descending too often into the hustle and bustle the main school clouds my Inner Eye."

"Oh please, she's just too lazy to climb down the stairs," I whispered to Ron as we both sniggered.

Professor Trelawney delicately rearranged her shawl and continued as if she didn't hear that, "So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you. Books can take you only so far in this field..."

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