𝟣𝟢. 𝐹𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒻𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓂𝓎

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King Agust was growing impatient, to say the least.

He knew that the moment everyone learnt his brother was still alive, everything he'd been working on would go right out the door.

It was getting to the point where he was sitting on his throne properly, hunched forwards with his leg tapping on the floor every time a guard or servant would enter the room. Each time, he'd plead to himself they had news he'd be happy to hear.

They never did.

Just reports from guards all over The Kingdom of Prodraican, which were always empty.

It was reaching the end of another day, reaching dead ends yet again. Agust was sitting on his throne, eyeing his sword nearby, wondering when he'd use it again on someone.

That was when a guard rushed in, quickly going down on one knee and bowing.

"Your Majesty," the guard said. "One of our spies has discovered something."

"Well, I'm all ears," Agust announced, sitting back against the throne.

His smile slowly grew as he was given the information.

"I think this is the best news I've heard in a long time," Agust smiled evilly.


It was late at night when Nari found herself walking home.

In her hand was a basket of herbs that her father said he'd run out of, so Nari offered to head out and get some, promising she'd come straight back.

"Help!" a voice cried out, catching Nari's attention.

The young woman turned all directions, trying to find the person in distress. After turning right and facing a small bar she knew well, she spotted a man run out and towards her.

"Are you Jung Nari?" the man asked.

Nari nodded, believing he knew her because of her father.

She followed the man into the bar, who looked really torn apart.

"It's my brother," the man explained, trying to control his breathing. "He got hit over the head by a bottle. He's not bleeding, but he's not making any sense."

Nari found the man quickly, noticing him laying on the ground with a jacket lifting his head up.

"Who did the jacket?" Nari asked as she starting checking the man's pulse.

"I did, I was scared if I should move his head, but I wanted to make him comfortable," the man explained, still sounding scared.

"No, it's alright," Nari reassured the man. "His pulse is fine, he's probably just dizzy from the impact. I'll need to head back to my house to grab the things I need."

"Can't you stay?" the man asked. "I'm scared those men will come back and hurt me too."

"I'll be as quick as I can, if that's what will make you feel better," Nari spoke softly, bending down to pick up her basket that she'd placed down.

"I'm sorry, Nari, but the King wants to talk to you."

That didn't sound anything like the man that had just spoken to her. When Nari turned to look at the man, she froze as the blade of a sword was pressed against her neck.

Nari tried to remain calm, "What does King Agust want with me?"

"Treason," the man answered, his voice no longer scared nor wobbling. "For hiding the prince and secrets of his for the past three years."

Nari tried not to look scared, but it seemed to not working as the man had a smirk growing on his face. How did Agust figure out?

"Start moving, or things won't go easily for you," the man with the sword snarled.

The man who's been laying on the ground stood up, revealing he had a weapon too. Nari felt stupid, but she knew if she didn't get away and warn Yoongi, she'd be dead by the morning. So without giving it a second thought, Nari threw the basket at the man in front of her before bolting to the door.

She began swearing under her breath as she realised the man must've locked the door as they entered earlier. How did she never notice?

"That was a very dumb thing to do, sunshine," the first man sighed as both men approached Nari. "Guess we're taking you by force."

Nari was pushed against a wall nearby, her hands held in place to stop her from moving. Nari tried to scream for help, but her mouth was muffled by a rag before any words could escape her lips.

"Stay quiet and this will go a lot quicker," one of the men said.

Nari then caught the scent of something coming from the rag. Eyes widening in realisation the smell, she tried to break away from the men holding her, but they were very strong.

"Don't fight it, just go to sleep," one of the men whispered in Nari's ear, trying to soothe her, but all it did was make her continue to kick until the other man grabbed her legs roughly to keep her still.

Nari's eyes locked with the man who she'd followed here. He sent Nari a sad smile, before he began making his way over to a horse nearby.

He was beginning to climb onto the horse and Nari felt herself being tied up as her eyes started to flutter shut.

She felt herself get lifted by one of the men onto the horse as her world went black.


The first thing that Nari saw when she woke up was the carpet she was laying on.

It looked really expensive.

It was only moments later that Nari realised her arms and hands were still tied. Her feet weren't making it slightly easy to get up off the floor and onto her knees, which was when she saw who was in front of her.

King Agust sat in his throne, staring right at Nari, as if analysing her.

Nari didn't say anything nor move a muscle, scared anything she did would get her killed.

Agust slowly stood up, walking towards Nari to get a closer look at her. However, he didn't know Nair was taking a closer look at him too.

Even though they are twin brothers, there is nothing similar about Agust and Yoongi.

Agust's eyes are sharp and cruel, almost like a cold knife. Whereas Yoongi's are soft and hold so much kindness. Agust's scar was healed over a lot more than Yoongi's, but that was because Agust gained his injury first, years before. His blonde hair was done up tightly in a bun, which showed everyone the scar on his face. It was almost as if he was wearing it as a trophy, despite the story behind it not being so scary.

"Well, my spies were right about you being determined," Agust chuckled. "You put up quite a fight at first when my men took you. And I can see you clearly looking me over, trying to find a weakness. Hate to break it to you, sunshine, but I don't have one."

"Everyone has one," Nari replied. "You just don't want yours to be known."

Agust hummed with interest.

"You're going to make a very nice wife for me," he smiled.

Nari's eyes widened. "What?"

"By the end of this year, Jung Nari, you're going to be married to me," Agust declared. "Perhaps having a Queen by my side would make this country follow me more than they do right now."

Nari opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

She couldn't believe this was happening.

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